Show us your Black Friday Purchases!

It's easy to match my tastes, MSC ... I like it all LOL! Here you go, right side up ... and lovely pearls :)

You and me both, Cathy!

Thanks, Jersey! Perhaps you haven't found a style featuring tiny pearls that suits you. There's always hope (said the enabler) ;)
Yes, they were in the sale and I snatched them right up! I believe there were two or three strands available and I debated on whether I should buy multiples, but I settled for one at the moment. I also love tiny tiny pearls! I would LOVE a strand of tiny SOC pearls some day. They are just too beautiful!
What? I missed this thread...
Wonderful lustrous pearls you got, Sea Urchin.
Tiny mighty keshis you have, VL.
I look forward to your finished project, MSC. Those little Pteria pearls are amazing... now I want tiny pearls too now
These are both yellow gold, 15-16mm pink Edison pearl and 14-15mm metallic Edison pearl (below). If anyone needs me, I'll be in the naughty corner.

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I got one of the Edison pearl rings too (in the yellow gold). I just received the shipping notice and it has a wee way to come to get to NZ.

Expecting the imminent arrival of a tahitian pearl necklace - never thought I would be able to afford one, so I am rapt!
Ah, join the club of those who purchased that deal! I just got mine today and I must say I'm rather disappointed. They pale in comparison quality-wise to Sea Urchin's strand that she posted. The luster is nice, though much more muted than Sea Urchin's and there are far more blemishes than I would expect for AA+ on about 2/3 of the strand. The other 1/3 is beautiful and the flaws pretty easily hideable, but a majority are not. There are also a few definite baroque pearls in there instead of oval. I certainly wasn't expecting anything show-worthy for the price, but I'm just disappointed based on the description and example strand on the listing vs what I received. So they will be going back. That's what you get for buying a consolation strand (I bought these because I was so disappointed in not getting the akoyas). I hope my strand was just a dud and the rest of you that ordered that listing get something amazing! I will say that I ADORE the color, though.
Thanks, Kat! I'm going to try the design out in rose gold-filled after the new year to see if it works in practice. If it does, I'll upgrade to real gold in 2018. If it doesn't, on to a different design idea :)

Bummer to hear about your disappointing strand, LV...
Ah, join the club of those who purchased that deal! I just got mine today and I must say I'm rather disappointed. They pale in comparison quality-wise to Sea Urchin's strand that she posted. The luster is nice, though much more muted than Sea Urchin's and there are far more blemishes than I would expect for AA+ on about 2/3 of the strand. The other 1/3 is beautiful and the flaws pretty easily hideable, but a majority are not. There are also a few definite baroque pearls in there instead of oval. I certainly wasn't expecting anything show-worthy for the price, but I'm just disappointed based on the description and example strand on the listing vs what I received. So they will be going back. That's what you get for buying a consolation strand (I bought these because I was so disappointed in not getting the akoyas). I hope my strand was just a dud and the rest of you that ordered that listing get something amazing! I will say that I ADORE the color, though.

Oh no sorry to hear they disappointed you. Would you mind sharing some photos? I'm worried about my strand now ��
I can in a bit. I already packaged it up to return, but I'll get it out when I'm done working. It may very well be that my expectations were too high. I wouldn't worry.
:( :( :(

I'm quite worried! I'll be overseas when they arrive so it will be over a month before I can see them and returns are very expensive from Australia.
Dang, ate my post. Here are some crappy photos. I tried to get a normal neck shot and then close-ups of various parts of the necklace, both bad and good to showcase it. All of them were taken at night in artificial light with an iffy phone camera. There are more blemishes than I am able to show in this light, but hopefully, you get the gist. I wish I had been able to capture the color better. It is absolutely stunning! A lovely pastel silvery blue.
I agree with you LVL - all those blemishes would bother me too. I passed on a lovely blue strand in HK for the same reason ..price was good and colour was lovely but too many flaws . Like yours ..lots of little fish bites . I think it's better to pay more and get something that is going to make you happy. It was worth a try !

Hanadama - good luck ! Thev shipping issue and poor dollar make buying from overseas pretty much a gamble .
LVLanghanke, thanks for the photos! I'm not able to compare the luster but the colours are beautiful. Is it just me or do some of the blemishes appear to be mottling? Mottling is apparently indicative of thick nacre and therefore not classified as a blemish. I'm not sure that I agree with this practice, all else being equal clearly a clean pearl is more beautiful than a mottled one!

Thanks Katbran! Fingers crossed!!
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