365 Days of Pearls

FFA = Future Farmers of America

I grew up in Iowa, and even us town kids could join. The farm kids would typically raise a calf, or a piglet, for the county fair.

Oh wow! I did try to look it up but couldn't find anything. Thanks, Red.
FFA was huge in my high school. I think the FFA jackets outnumbered the football letter jackets. Kissimmee, FL was cow country until Walt Disney bought up all the ranches and built Disney World.
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That's TOO cute!! Adorable!! and congratulations! :D :D there is no need for hand feeding for them, right?..

No, no hand feeding. I did have to teach him where/what to eat and drink but that only took a minute or two.

Here he is when I first introduced him to food. He was interested in it. But more as a cozy place to sit.


I tapped the food with my index, imitating what a mama hen would do if she were eating. He got really excited but kept diving underneath my hand to find the food.


A moment later he had it figured out and began to eat beside my tapping finger.


The red lighting is from the heat lamp. Until his down is replaced with feathers he needs additional heat.
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OOOOO, I would play with the tassel all day long and never get any work done.
My oldest was pretty quick to settle on a name. "Buckbeak" is what he chose, after a magical character in the Harry Potter series. I would have preferred "Fawkes", after the Phoenix in Harry Potter, but Buckbeak it is.

I love it!!! Perfect.
That is SO sweet of your grandma, battah! Grandmothers are the best. It sounds like you have wonderful childhood memories of yours : )

She's the best, BN <3 Every summer we'd have a house full of chicks, baby bunnies, kittens, and one summer we even had ducklings. And her yard was full of fruit trees (olives, pomegranates, pears, lemons, apples, figs, and some great almond trees for climbing!) and grape vines for snacking and giving the critters treats. Great memories.

I must have missed that tassel when you posted it before - I'm in love! It must feel so fabulously decadent to wear!
What a cute picture!!! You're like his mama, teaching him how to eat and drink! We had to do that with our chicks too. It's just not the same when you have to do it with 50.

The tassel akoya set is magnificent!!! I'd be playing with that all day too!
Thank you, BWeaves, Cathy, Katbran, battah, and amti!

Day 217:

Purple Tahitians from Pearl Paradise and Tahitian dangles from Kojima Pearl.









Love the pictures of your chicks and hen! Hope her foot is getting better. And of course, I love all your beautiful pearls!
Lol, Ali is wonderful, Katbran! My oldest was pretty quick to settle on a name. "Buckbeak" is what he chose, after a magical character in the Harry Potter series. I would have preferred "Fawkes", after the Phoenix in Harry Potter, but Buckbeak it is.

Buckbeak! Hagrid's hippogriff! I love it- great choice!!
Those Tahitians are insane, and they look different in every picture! Such tricky pearls, and as always, you know just how to navigate Tahitian Territory!