Kahaiapearls on Etsy


New Member
Mar 2, 2015
Hello! This is my first post and I am new, new, new to learning about pearls. Does anyone have any info on Kahaiapearls on Etsy?I am looking for pearls to make jewelry for myself and family/friends only. I am sure her pearls aren't great quality, but I like the quirky circle pearls best. I bought 2 pearls from her to make a pair of earrings, and I love them , but are they the real deal? Should I buy more? The pearls came with a certificate of authenticity, but I'm not sure if that means anything. In put is greatly appreciated. Heres the link to what I bought. Thanks so much.Circles Tahitian Pearl 28 dollars a pair pearls drilled 9.85w- 13.75Lmm NATURAL COLOR (c201)
Circles Tahitian Pearl 28 dollars a pair pearls drilled 9.85w- 13.75Lmm NATURAL COLOR (c201)
Welcome to PG! I took a look at the Etsy site, and looks like a legitimate, honest seller. I like the fact that the photos don't seem to be artificially enhanced, the descriptions appear to be accurate (yes, they are Tahitians), and the prices are in the ballpark for that quality of Tahitian pearl. If you see pearls there that particularly appeal to you, and like the ones you have already received, no reason not to keep perusing.
Wow, and that is great to hear. Thanks for the quick reply. She had great customer service as well. :)
Hi there and welcome! As la_corsetiere has pointed out, these are real Tahitian pearls. I've never heard of the store before but the reviews seem plentiful and decent. I would just suggest that you pay attention to the drill holes as some of them are enormous and must be meant for leather or heavy wire. But the prices look pretty reasonable..they are obviously not high quality but then that's why they are affordable. Have fun !
Thanks you all for being so welcoming! I did notice the larger drill holes and I have my eye on some of those for leather necklaces and bracelets! I love the Tahitian circle pearls as they remind me of water ripples and tide-pools! This site is a great resource-I need to visit the Komoka pearl farm someday!
Hi Keds, I have also seen Kahaiapearls on Etsy. I have never bought from them, but have looked at their pearls closely, and yes, they are definitely Tahitian pearls - the real deal. Not fake or dyed. You have to watch out on Etsy, as there are many people selling dyed freshwater pearls as Tahitians. The difference is discernable though, once you've looked at real Tahitians closely.
As other members pointed out above, these Tahitians on Kahaiapearls' Etsy site are not of the highest quality, (you can see the small grooves, or pits in the skin) but seem to be priced accordingly.
Those ones listed with the really big holes I would stay away from. I noticed some chips on the side of the drill hole. As Katbran says, they are enormous and probably to be used for leather or something.
Maybe they have loose, un-drilled ones that you could drill yourself as you go along.
Do you have a pearl drill?
Anyways, have fun making your creations! Post them here when you are done! ;)
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I've bought from Kahaia also and yes they are real Tahitians. Will post pictures when i get a chance. Kahaia's family owns a pearl farm in Apataki. She's on Instagram and also has a website-Kahaiapearls.com.
I have bought some really lovely pearls from Kahaia. Yes, they are most definitely real Tahitians.
I think that if you choose carefully you can get some decent looking pearls... but as Jacques pointed out there is a fair bit of chipping around the big drill holes so avoid them.

But if you want to use leather you can always put a spacer at each end of the pearl and then knot your leather to snug it up .. will help hide the ugly drill hole.. and could make a cute bracelet wrapped around.
Thank you all so much for the advice. I actually was thinking about just knotting the leather on either side of the pearl-silver spacers would be really pretty ( I need to check out the beading forum next) Is the chipping around the drill hole bad for the pearl, or just unsightly? I ordered some silver findings to make earrings-I'll post a picture when I put them together.
Here are the pearls I purchased from kahaia
2015-03-04 10.24.46.jpg
Make sure you post it for us once you are done making the Harvest Rope Bailey! :cool: