Kahaiapearls on Etsy

How long have you been collecting pearls for your Harvest Rope, Bailey1856?
How long have you been collecting pearls for your Harvest Rope, Bailey1856?

Not too long CathyK. It's only been since I saw one of PGers harvest strand that i decided to lengthen my 18" multi. I really like the assortments of shapes, sizes, and colours and if it's longer I can see and admire them better.:)
Ah, Bailey1856; you have 18" to start with; that's a great beginning ... look forward to seeing your Harvest strand in the future :)
Here are three pearls I ordered from Kahaia and just got today! I'm very happy with them! I want to make a necklace with some sharks teeth which I thought was super original but upon looking around I see others have done it before!