Lol omg I actually raided the WSSP ring from mom YEARS ago...

I did, however, bring the gold ring from the non-touching stash back...
I already have possession of most of my mom's pearls except for her 3 klonker strands, but I've raided a few awesome jade pieces this time around. I'm awfully behind - trip was really busy and I'm incredibly jetlagged, but will get to posting more soon!
Thank you all for the lovely hello to my mom! Sadly she will never be invited to PG as she shall NOT EVER be reminded of all the babies I've raided, ahem I meant to say rescued, from her.
Unfortunately the picture of my WSSP ring is atrocious - it was taken merely as a stock photo for record keeping purposes (which reminded me I saw this storage thread while in Taipei - will have to post and share my OCD an@l retentive organization system of my babies lol). It is also currently in the safe (I put all my jewelry into the bank safe when I'm away for longer trips). Will try to take better pics when I bring it back.
I've posted my GSSP rings a few times, but don't think I've posted this WSSP ring yet. "haloed" by baguettes and flanked by marquises. You can probably tell by the style that this ring is quite a bit older than its GSSP counterparts. The pearl has held up wonderfully though - still very lustrous, with a beautiful satiny glow and rose tone. Haha yah can not tell from the picture AT ALL.
Little GSSP Ring. This one is also in the safe - I'll have to take a pic of the 2 GSSP rings together once I bring it back.
New Conquest - evil laugh... this is all the pearls I got this trip.