Show us your Black Friday Purchases!

That's true, Ennui, you do have to buy. Right. Now. with the big sales or a lot of the items will be gone in the blink of an eye.

I ordered the 8-10 mm oval silver Tahitian strand. I had already bought a similar 7-8 mm strand when that batch first came out, but after wearing them a few times I regretted not paying extra and getting the larger pearls. So here they were on sale, for less than the 7-8 mm ones! However, er, I did already buy that 7-8mm strand in August too.

I think I'm going to put a few of my pearly things that I no longer wear on Loupe Troop or ebay and at least get a little of my money back. I don't mind splurging now and then when I have the extra, but I find I often don't like the same things after a while and the waste of that does annoy me. But I guess it's really not that different from clothes, shoes or bags. ?
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I wasn't going to get anything but I saw this necklace listed at 45% off and caved. I'm saving near-round/ovalish pearls for a multicolour rope and these will work nicely! The other pearls I've saved are a mix of bright peacock and dark colourful pearls.

8-10mm AA+ silver oval Tahitians.


LOL so weird! I'm pretty sure there is a bug (as opposed to multiple strands) as its specifically listed as TON-1716!

Here is a natural light shot for whoever ends up with it!

LOL I inquired about this strand about a week ago and got some pictures too and found out it was going to be on special.
I wonder how they are going to fix this.
First come first serve?
Bailey, that would be my guess. However, I just checked and it is still up on the sale page. So maybe they do have more than one but just forgot to write that in the description? Oh well, good luck ladies!
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Okay, so it's gone from the sale page now. If that means anything!

I can't believe that other (besides the one I bought) Twist collection Edison ring is still there. I think it is too wonderful to not be sold yet. Maybe it's because the description is off. It says 14 mm but then the specs say 12-13mm and the specs also say the color is "black."

* Just messaged PP about the description (because I am nosey Rosey!)

Thank god there's only one more PP sale installment coming up or Mr. Sea Urchin may start getting grumpy. Often with the big sales there's nothing I really want (that's reasonably in my price range) since I already have so many pearls now anyway. But this time with every dang update there's something else that I just have to have!
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Urg! PP has a longggggg rope of large and small white pearls in random order. Just the sort of thing I've been looking for. Grrr. I can always have one made later, I guess.

And I'm still lusting after the silver blue, green, gold Tahitian rope on Kojima, too.
I completely missed the last round. Trying to stay up to see what's on offer this round
From the new bunch, just snagged a fireball bracelet, which is really stepping out of the box for me! It's been fabulous fun but now I really must stop or the man may do something dire. :p
That's true, Ennui, you do have to buy. Right. Now. with the big sales or a lot of the items will be gone in the blink of an eye.

I've been trying! Things are gone before I can even see what it was!

I'm glad that others are having more success and getting some nice things. It looks like there's one more wave this evening?

Sea Urchin, explain to Mr. Urchin that you don't intend to keep everything (true or not). That should pacify him for a bit.
Ennui, I plan to lie like a cheap rug! Haha, just kidding. Mostly!

The email I got a few days ago listed this morning as the last PP release of new stuff but then I also saw that the timer on their page is counting down again. So, I dunno...
The blog also says that last wave was this a.m., but like you said, the countdown clock is running. Also, tomorrow is Cyber Monday.

BWeaves, I liked that long necklace, too. I already have something similar. I think of it as "champagne bubbles." The PP version is gone, did you get it?
I liked that "Bubbles" necklace too BWeaves! No, I didn't get it ... but I am unlikely to roam out of the naughty corner any time soon :) And today they put up a WSS/GSS mixed ovals necklace TDF! NO, I didn't get that either ... nor did hubby, sigh ... so beautiful.
Three strand Tahitian necklace

Three strand Tahitian necklace

I'm bought out! I told myself no more pearls for a bit after the golden sale. I wasn't even supposed to look but, I couldn't help myself, I did. I will be the proud owner of my first three strand Tahitian necklace. I was a little reckless as the length of the strands wasn't even mentioned, but I thought it would go fast. I also bought one of the metallic FW strands with a huge fireball pendant. Oh my, no will power at all. Bad girl!


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Ooh, nice Loveglitz! It's okay, we have wine (and cookies!) over here in the naughty corner. :p
Wine and cookies? May I bring the cheese and crackers? I'm not in the naughty corner, but I can hang out anyway.

I love those strands with the fireball enhancers. I think they are a great value because you get two pieces.