365 Days of Pearls

Ohhhh add me to the ovation crowd!! Those layers are amazing <3 I adore the look of layering little lighter pearls with larger darker pearls, it makes all the colors pop so beautifully.
I've not made my way completely through this thread yet, but I wanted to pause and say you have a beautiful collection! :D
BAS, thinking of you today...such a tragedy in Lower Manhattan.

Thank you, JerseyPearl. Yes, it is such a tragedy. Thankfully, my son and daughter and I are fine. My heart breaks for the innocent people who were killed.
Thank you, Pearl Dreams, Cathy, GemGeek, BWeaves, TXPearLV, Kalmen, Fidgetnator, Sanippy, Katbran, Annie, JerseyPearl, battah, BAS (glad you are safe BAS!), and jeg!

Sorry to have disappeared this past week! We had a big storm with high winds and lost power from Sunday until Thursday.. I guess I shouldn't complain too much; we have a generator so we had heat and lighting through most of the house. But no dishwasher, washer/dryer, stove, tv, or internet!! You really don't appreciate what you have until you're forced to do without! Was ready to pull my hair out yesterday and so overjoyed when the power finally came back on:o

So, I'm back to the pearl routine and will be posting shortly!
Day 226:

Tiny akoya Keshi choker and freshwater drop earrings from Kojima Pearl today. Also a white soufflé ring from Pearl Paradise, special because BAS and GemGeek helped me choose it!









Glad to see you back, baby nurse. Yes, being without power certainly disrupts your normal routine.

Love the black, white theme you have going with your clothing and jewelry. Beautiful pieces, especially that ring.
We missed you at that ruckus, but it was fun fun fun picking out that soufflé pearl for your ring! I hope you can go next time.
What a perfect pairing with that gorgeous sweater ... and a difficult challenge, between the strength os the black and white, trims and ruffles ... sheer perfection.
What a perfect pairing with that gorgeous sweater ... and a difficult challenge, between the strength os the black and white, trims and ruffles ... sheer perfection.

Right. I would never think that delicate necklace could hold its own against the bold stripes, but I was WRONG! :)
Glad to see you back, baby nurse. Yes, being without power certainly disrupts your normal routine.

Love the black, white theme you have going with your clothing and jewelry. Beautiful pieces, especially that ring.

Thank, Red.

Yes, going without power is rough. I couldn't help but think "is this what it's like when you fall behind with bills and they shut off utilities... ?"

Regarding the soufflé ring, it's a treat to look down and *see*your pearls (rings, bracelets, ropes), isn't it? Love that.
BN, so much fun~I've missed lots, but saw dear Hilda in her socks and met adorable Buckbeak~your creative pearl layering and extensive collection is absolutely glorious! You are undeniably the Queen of "No Rules!"

Lol, pattye!! If you've met Hilda and Buckbeak, you're completely up to date. I'm so glad to hear your cataract surgery went smoothly and is behind you : )