365 Days of Pearls

I have been at the Grand Canyon and with very limited coverage have missed all of these wonderful posts. My father was a small town physician and did all of the ear piercing for me and all of my girlfriends. He had one of those guns. He wouldn't let us until age 16 and from what I have learned about metal allergies and exposing young children too early due to their developing immunity, I guess that was smart. My best friend and I decided to have a second hole put into just one ear and went down to the local jewelry store and bought some tiny pearl earrings and split them. I still have the earring but like you, haven't put anything in that second hole for over 20 years. I love all of your recent Kojima pearls and just bought an akoya keshi and turquoise necklace that I will post soon.

Thank you once again for sharing your wonderful collection and expert photography. The stories are fun too!

I noticed you were away and wondered where you were. I hope you had a great trip!

I love these ear piercing stories. Your dad was a small town physician and did the ear piercing-- how absolutely charming : )

Is the akoya Keshi/ turquoise necklace the one from Kojima? I can't wait to see it!
Thank you JerseyPearl and Katbran. I'd love to do other pairings like this, maybe with metallic fwp or dyed akoya? It may be tricky to find matching pairs. I suppose I could look for colors that aren't an exact match but complement one another..
Day 122:

I'm wearing dark and white pearls today, all from Pearl Paradise. Tahitian and white South Sea stretch bracelet, Tahitian necklace, white akoya studs.






Trying to show all 3 pieces in one pic. Think towards the end of this 365 day thread I will do a compilation of all the awkward selfies. Lol


BN, not only do you have a most gorgeous and enviable pearl collection, but take the most amazing selfies!!

Isn't that the truth!!!

The luster on that necklace is amazing!!! The reflection of the Tahitians on the full neck shot makes the front pearls look like they have eyeballs! :D
Those plump lustrous Tahitians are wonderful! I also love sitting here ogling with my cup o' joe!
I'm WAAAY behind since I was away last week. OMG BABYNURSE the GSSP/WSSP pkinnew strand with the baby akoyas are AMAZING!!!!!!! SWOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with all of today's comments!! Your daily photos are a joy to view! Your drop T's are stunning, very clean and lusterous!
I am so sorry to hear Pkinnew passed. I remember her posting that she was doing better. She was a great contributor to these boards. It is comforting to see that some of her beautiful pieces are still being worn proudly by members of the PG family. That gold and white SS strand is so stunning.
What? WHAT? OMG Pkinnew passed? OMG I am so sorry to hear that - I must have missed that in earlier threads, will have to go back to take a look. Wow, that's really sad. I have re-homed a few of her pieces, including the Peacock Tahitian rope I just brought down to NOLA mini ruckus with me...