365 Days of Pearls

If those sweater companies aren't following this thread, and hiring baby nurse, they're nuts! Delightful combination; those pearls are just darling :)
I misread the sweater label and thought it said PURL.

BN: I love the contrast of the smooth studs to the textured pearls, too. You're definitely inspiring me to mix up my pieces more.

Pearl Dreams: Your man looks great in those Tahitians!
I'm still kicking myself a little for not buying the ombré strand. In person, it's got the most lovely purple tahitians. Sigh...

Still laughing at what your husband said about the goldens. And you have the most lovely strands too! Did he not like golden egg too?
I love the little steps in the circled drop..and that fine surface..such lustre. Thats a real stunner!

Thanks, Katbran. Ringed pearls are so interesting, aren't they?

May I ask about the significance of your username? Every time I type it out I think "Katbran. A cat who likes fiber...?"
I really, really like this look! I have sometimes worn a WSS on a chain it is just so blah. Fun and flirty!

Agreed. A pendant on a strand of tiny pearls completely changes the look. The only important thing to consider is bail size; many of my pendants don't have a bail large enough to fit over the clasp of the Keshi strand.
Love the screamers, and I really love the tiny keshi with the SS drop. But oh my, that ombre' strand is to die for. I keep eyeing the ombre' strand on Kamoka's website, but I think yours is much more colorful. I love it.

Thank you kindly, BWeaves.
I've found that people tend to think that my strands are faux while they assume that my pendants are real. My 14mm WSS PP special sale pendant gets a lot of comments too (yours is stunning with the circles). My 8mm Tahitian pendant (made with one of Jeremy's special pearls that were sold loose in the connoisseur sale) gets a lot of comments too. My strands are only (rarely) noticed by fellow pearl people.

It's funny your husband has such strong feelings. Mine recently came out and announced that he loves my WSS strand and my Akoya strand and that he's less enamored with my baroque Tahitians (he blurted this out when I was debating which strand to wear to one of his work functions). Traditional pearls look 'fancier' in his opinion. This after 3 years of saying that everything I wear looks nice...

Maybe pendants are simply more appealing: one single focal point.

Thanks for sharing your perspective cmd!
Ok, here is the question. Does any have a NON pearl colour blind husband?)) Because mine is not only colour blind, he is also size blind in terms of pearls :D :D

That ombre strand from Golay is my favourite too. An amazing strand!

I'm not sure about the majority but I bet many SOs don't notice pearls.

Thanks for the compliment, Lugana.
Most people think my Freshadamas are real but my Hanadamas are fake, because they are too perfect and shiny. And you're right. I get "Wow" comments on my pendants, and "nice beads" on my ropes, if they are noticed at all. Then again, my pendants tend to be on the special side.

Your pendants are all unique (read gorgeous), BWeaves.
My husband likes my multicolored colored FWP more than my white ones, and loves Tahitians. He wears these that we got from PP for our daughter's 21st birthday. He's happy that she didn't want them! ;)

Tahitians are great on men. I'd like to get a single Tahitian on leather for each of my boys.

Those colors look wonderful on your husband!
Your collection is really stunning, baby nurse. These 365 Day threads are so much fun! First Barbara's, now yours.

Husbands and pearls, lol. I think mine just isn't very interested in them so he does the "that's nice, dear" thing to be polite, for the most part. It's probably like how I am a bit bored but a bit alarmed when he's all shiny-eyed over a new tool or something on the weather channel. :/
BN, all your pearls are amazing, but that Golay strand is probably my most favorite Tahitian strand ever! It is one amazing pearl after another and to combine them all in ombre fashion into one strand is like a dream! It is one of those things that I wonder if I will ever find and own because it must have taken mountains of pearls to find such gradual shades of change with size and shapes matching. Please wear them more often and treat us to the pictures!
Yes, lovely colors on that ring. If i wore it i would not be able to work. I would stare at it all day and get nothing done.
Yes, lovely colors on that ring. If i wore it i would not be able to work. I would stare at it all day and get nothing done.

Me, too.

But my takeaway? 4.5? SIZE 4.5 I just had my rings resized to 8.25. Sigh.
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