365 Days of Pearls

Thank you everyone for the compliments on the Tahitians.

I'm away for the weekend so picture postings will likely be scattered-- sorry about that.

Day 85:

Freshwater drop pendant and South Sea ring. The pendant was a Black Friday purchase from Pearl Paradise and the ring is the love birds ring from Rio Pearl. Pictures taken in incandescent lighting.

Freshwater drop pendant

Freshwater drop pendant

The pendant was a Black Friday purchase from Pearl Paradise

the ring is the love birds ring from Rio Pearl

the ring is the love birds ring from Rio Pearl

reshwater drop pendant and South Sea ring
Pattye, I REALLY enjoyed this picture of your grandson! When my dh got home, I showed him the pic and said "Is this ds or what?!!" We laughingly describe our son (recently turned 11) as the "chicken whisperer", too. I have similar pictures of him holding our chickens, same content expression on his face.

Here's a funny/sad story. Two nights ago I did groceries with my kids. While I was at the deli I glanced over at ds who was standing in front of the rotisserie chickens. There were 3 or 4 in plastic containers. He placed his hand on them one at a time and said "You are so much more than this." Out of the mouths of babes...

(I used to enjoy eating chicken btw!)

Oh, BN, what your ds said is just so touching and the sweetest thing EVER! I will have to share your story with my son and dtr in law ~ boys can have such tender hearts and not be afraid to show it until they get a little older.

Enjoy your weekend away. That Love Bird ring is one I would fight Katbran for! Amazing pendant, too!
AW! What a sweet story about ds.

And I'm in for tackling whoever steals the chickadee ring.
Gorgeous pendant! I've been looking at pendants online and am surprised there aren't more artistic settings like this one.
..perfect pairing of ring and pendant! I'm with you BW, game on! And BN, your ds deli story is really sweet. What a thoughtful gesture.
The ONLY thing that makes me feel better about NOT hitting the "Buy Now" button when that pendant came up for sale is seeing you wear it, baby nurse :) It's really lovely. My dad's childhood name for me when I was a tiny wee little girl was "Chickadee", and also my daughter in her turn ... now that it's been dubbed a "chickadee" ring, I'm taking out anyone else who tries to steal it LOL. Meanwhile I'll never outrun baby nurse, so she gets to keep it, and I get to learn how to buy something from that company :) Wonder if they make bird pendants too ...
Day 86:

I spent a wonderful weekend with BAS and got to try on her pearls in addition to my own. I was only half joking when I told her her pearls were coming with me when it came time for me to leave. I took pictures of myself wearing her pearls; I guess that's the next best thing ; )

First, my own. These are ripples that Pkinnew sold when she was selling her personal collection. The pendant is the one from Pearl Paradise, day 85. Pictures in incandescent lighting.


Ripples and Pearl Paradise pendant

Ripples and Pearl Paradise pendant
And this is BAS's vintage, buttery triple akoya. It's gorgeous!

vintage, buttery triple akoya

vintage, buttery triple akoya

Just look at the amazing clasp!

amazing clasp
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Ooh, those are among my very favorite of BAS's pearls ... just lovely!
WoW that triple looks amazing on you! I hope you have more pearly pics to share from your weekend with BaS!
Oh wow! I love a triple. That's gorgeous. And I especially like it when the clasp is interesting.