365 Days of Pearls

I decided to check out the book, but I found 2, both by Leslie Field. The older one (1987) is a hardback titled The Queens Jewels: the Personal Collection of Elizabeth II. The other one is from 1992, is, The Jewels of Queen Elizabeth II, Her Personal Collection, is a paperback. It sounds like you have the first. Do you know anything about the second? Is it a second edition? It is shorter, so I doubt it.
I decided to check out the book, but I found 2, both by Leslie Field. The older one (1987) is a hardback titled The Queens Jewels: the Personal Collection of Elizabeth II. The other one is from 1992, is, The Jewels of Queen Elizabeth II, Her Personal Collection, is a paperback. It sounds like you have the first. Do you know anything about the second? Is it a second edition? It is shorter, so I doubt it.

The edition I have is subtitled "The Personal Collection of Elizabeth II"; copyright 1987; and it has 192 pages. It is a hardback. I hope you find it!

P.S. I have not seen the other book, so sorry I can't comment on it.
These are gorgeous. I've found myself drawn towards SSP lately - there are some incredibly beautiful (and unobtainably expensive) ones at Paspaley - I don't know how if the SSP sold by our online vendors are of the same quality, if so that would be amazing!. I also rarely reach for my white pearls - I'm too crazy about Tahitians so I'm worried that I'd buy SSP and not wear them!

ETA - you should convert one into a tin cup!

The tin cup idea never occurred to me, thank you!

I don't know.. if you're drawn to wss you could start with something small like a pendant or bracelet. Bracelets are nice because you get to admire them yourself. And I must say, there's nothing like the glow of ss. I always thought these bracelets of mine were beautiful but I hadn't worn them in a while. Taking them out and photographing them reminded me just how gorgeous they are and I've reached for them every day since. I think everyone should have SS "something" in their collection ; )
I remember that torsade, BN. It looks beautiful on you. And the double strand of Sheri's screamers is stunning with your red cardigan. I have pearl and sweater envy.

Thank you for all the kind words, Kay : )

I'm not surprised your dh noticed/commented on the goldens. Of all your pieces, those are the ones that stand out for me-- they positively glow against your skin.
Saw one of those internet things today with photos of Queen Elizabeth in all her hats- of course I didn't even look at the hats, I was looking at her pearls. In every photo she has large white earrings that reminded me of your bracelet. Maybe it has a diamond on top of the earring, it's hard to see... it appears she's worn the same pair of earrings since 1967 or so.. http://www.vanityfair.com/style/photos/2012/05/diamond-jubilee-hats-queen-elizabeth#1 Sorry to go off topic, but I really did think of how nicely they would go with your bracelet, ha ha!

Thank you for the link, Sue Bee! I looked through the whole series and really enjoyed it. I can't believe she's still going strong in her 90s!
The edition I have is subtitled "The Personal Collection of Elizabeth II"; copyright 1987; and it has 192 pages. It is a hardback. I hope you find it!

I have The Queen's Jewels and The Royal Jewels, which both came out around the same time.

But I love these two:

Geoffrey Munn's "Tiaras, A History of Splendor." The big book, not the smaller one "Past and Present," although it is good, too.

Hugh Robert's "The Queen's Diamonds" which includes some pearls.

They are both BIG books with gorgeous photos, and well worth the money. And both include some outstanding pearl pieces.
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BN, just love your whole exquisite collection! Is the candy dish Fenton glass? A glorious Edison, so perfect on the long chain! Such a treat to see what you've posted for the day.

Thank you, Pattye! You know, the name Fenton rang a bell and when I looked it up, there they were, hen candy dishes in every color!

Here are a couple more pictures.

hen candy dishes

And here's one that shows the iridescence a bit better. I used to play with this and I think the wear and tear on it wore away some of the rainbow colors. I wish I could go back in time and tell 7 year old me to keep my paws of the pretty dish LOL.

hen candy dishes
Your 7 year old self enjoyed the heck out of that iridescent chicken. Don't begrudge yourself the memories.

I'd rather wear out a strand of pearls, than keep them in a case and never wear them. Pearlfect analogy.
JerseyPearl, here are some close-ups of the torsade clasp.

close-ups of the torsade clasp

close-ups of the torsade clasp

close-ups of the torsade clasp

close-ups of the torsade clasp

The above pics are from the side. This next one shows the front view of the clasp.

close-ups of the torsade clasp
Day 84:

I didn't have time to take these pictures earlier so did them in a hurry in bad lighting. They are what I wore today but they deserve proper photos; I'll take them again the next time we have good light.

The necklace pearls are Rikitea Tahitians and the earrings are also Tahitians.

Rikitea Tahitians

Rikitea Tahitians

Rikitea Tahitians

Rikitea Tahitians

Rikitea Tahitians

Rikitea Tahitians
Aww, I do love the candy dish, and that torsade even more, lol! What a fabulous clasp!

We had chickens on the farm I grew up on, but too many to make pets of them. My Grandson, just turning 12, is known as the "Chicken Whisperer." They are allowed to have backyard hens (only) where they live in Sacramento.

My Grandson
Wow, a holy grail strand of Tahitian pearls, BN.
Your grandson is so cute, pattye. It's a rare ability to be able to talk to chickens and make them obey you.
These peacocks are perfect in every way. And if these are your 'bad' photos, I can only imagine how beautiful the strand is in person!
AWWWW, the Chicken Whisperer is a handsome young man.

And those T's are stunning, BN. But I especially love them with the polka dot Boden sweater. Perfect pairing.
Stunning T's, BN!! And Pattey, your grandson is a cutie. I never knew chickens made good pets (until BN told me about hers) ..such a city girl
Aww, I do love the candy dish, and that torsade even more, lol! What a fabulous clasp!

We had chickens on the farm I grew up on, but too many to make pets of them. My Grandson, just turning 12, is known as the "Chicken Whisperer." They are allowed to have backyard hens (only) where they live in Sacramento.

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Pattye, I REALLY enjoyed this picture of your grandson! When my dh got home, I showed him the pic and said "Is this ds or what?!!" We laughingly describe our son (recently turned 11) as the "chicken whisperer", too. I have similar pictures of him holding our chickens, same content expression on his face.

Here's a funny/sad story. Two nights ago I did groceries with my kids. While I was at the deli I glanced over at ds who was standing in front of the rotisserie chickens. There were 3 or 4 in plastic containers. He placed his hand on them one at a time and said "You are so much more than this." Out of the mouths of babes...

(I used to enjoy eating chicken btw!)