365 Days of Pearls

WHAT!?!? You have three total!?!? It's not fair!!! *pout* LOL
I really thought I didn't like white pearls until I saw those metalllics. I'm going to have to request two strands from PP now:)

BN, every single pearl you own are amazing. They look great on you.

Thank you, Bailey.

I'd feel frustrated if there was a limited supply of something gorgeous and I discovered someone ended up with almost half of the inventory. So I'll explain how I came to have 3 of these beauties. They didn't fall into my lap : )

When the PP blog appeared, I thought "Wow, those are some gorgeous pearls but I have enough. Let them pass." Then a few days later somebody on PG or PS commented on them and I took a second look. I called PP, got a picture of the pearls and requested a double strand, which I think left 2 available. I was tempted to get a triple but felt greedy and money doesn't grow on trees so stuck with the double. Then they arrived and I thought, "OMG, these are incredible, I should have gotten the 3rd. By now they must be sold out." And they were. So I called, and I called... and I called, and on one of those days there was a return so I grabbed it. Determination driven by some serious pearlitis combined with good fortune... and I secured 3 strands.

It looks like there will be more on the horizon which is good news for those who are interested!
I also had a strand of Sheri's Screamers that I gave AWAY, sigh .... as beautiful as they were, I didn't REALLY need another strand of white pearls etc. .... I confess to a tiny, silent scream of delight when I see them OFTEN, around the neck of my beautiful 3 degrees, director of 2 university libraries, 2 dogs, 2 bunnies, 3 ducks, 2 gardens on 2 acres, 1 boy, 1 husband "I'm TOO busy to be bothered with jewelry, Mom!" daughter. Since Christmas she's been seen alternating the "screamers" with an equally scream worth strand of petite multicolor Tahitians :)
I also had a strand of Sheri's Screamers that I gave AWAY, sigh .... as beautiful as they were, I didn't REALLY need another strand of white pearls etc. .... I confess to a tiny, silent scream of delight when I see them OFTEN, around the neck of my beautiful 3 degrees, director of 2 university libraries, 2 dogs, 2 bunnies, 3 ducks, 2 gardens on 2 acres, 1 boy, 1 husband "I'm TOO busy to be bothered with jewelry, Mom!" daughter. Since Christmas she's been seen alternating the "screamers" with an equally scream worth strand of petite multicolor Tahitians :)

Haha Cathy I'm sure that's how my mom feels when she sees her jewelries on my - opening giving me dirty stares but secretly letting out tiny, silent scream of delight (or at least I'd like to tell myself that lololol!) ;)
I'm sure your mom lets out screams of delight over you and her jewelry Purranha :) Last week, my 300% independent, daughter called me for fashion advice on what to wear to a very dressy charity dinner and auction at her university. She is truly beautiful in so many ways, but given her chosen lives, dressing up usually involves emptying out the clothes dryer to see what's available LOL. The conversation went like this "Mom, do you think I could wear my black linen pants, a decent black T-shirt, and a really beautiful silk scarf?" I recommended she switch out the black T for a beautiful silver silk velvet top she forgot she had, keep the scarf, tie it loosely and add ... and at the same time, we both said "Those PP Tahitian pearls!". Silent, tiny scream of delight, and Mom is vindicated ... with due credit to Hisano and Erin for convincing me to stick with that strand :) Send Mom a big hug from us, Purranha ... she did good work!
Wonderful story Cathy! I'm glad you're enjoying your treasures vicariously, as I'm sure your mother is also Purranha :eek:

Day 80:

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope and earrings. The rope is 63" and made up of 7.5-8mm rounds/off-rounds and 8.5-12.6mm rosebud pearls. The freshwater dangles are 10mm rounds.

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope and earrings

The rope is 63 and made up of 7.5-8mm rounds/off-rounds and 8.5-12.6mm rosebud pearls.  The freshwater dangles are 10mm rounds.

Catherine Cardellini freshwater rope
Here is our rooster Chickadee, rocking the same rope (see avatar). He's a relaxed and gentle rooster who tolerated being dressed up very graciously.

our rooster Chickadee, rocking the same rope

I tried to take some more pictures when we set him down but this is what I got. That retreating foot is so expressive. "Let us never speak of this again."

our rooster Chickade
Ooh, the Rooster photo!!! I remember, in my early PG days, saying "Walter, come look ... there's a rooster wearing pearls!!!" He gave me a look, and left the room LOL. It took me a while to connect the rooster to baby nurse :) I particularly love the way this luxurious rope shows off the individual textures and colors of these opulent rosebud pearls!
Oh, BN...the beauties I've missed! Those screamers are calling for me!

Chickadee is such a good sport, and quite fetching wearing your beautiful rope, which by the way matches his feathers so well!
Rooster in a pearl rope. I love it. I love the retreating foot. hahahaha.

That's a beautiful necklace. I have a hard time warming up to rosebud pearls, but them I see yours and think they are absolutely gorgeous.
baby nurse! Beautiful necklace I love a hedgehog shaped pearls! So pretty!
Day 81:

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h and freshwater studs from Pearl Paradise. The torsade is made up of metallic Keshi and two sizes of metallic rounds. The earrings are 7.5mm metallic rounds.

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h and freshwater studs from Pearl Paradise

The torsade is made up of metallic Keshi and two sizes of metallic rounds.  The earrings are 7.5mm metallic rounds.

Freshwater torsade designed and made by Hisano of little h