365 Days of Pearls

Oh wow ! How lucky you were to find that earring !!! And isn't it an awful feeling to know that you had something and now it's disappeared.

I hid some jewellery that was in the bedroom when I had it painted a month ago ... I hid it really really well....too well... I'm sure it will turn up someday..

I think part of the problem is that we put things in a safe place while being both in a hurry and distracted by other things. Just the same, I'm sure the jewelry will turn up, probably when you least expect it!
That ring is so artistic and creative! I love it! Your metallics have the most amazing color. Just wow...

I once found a long lost peridot ring when I moved. It was behind a couch. You never know....
Whew, lucky to find that earring, and the pendant. They are so beautiful, so colorful. I want one so bad!
Our family is big on losing things- the diamond from my Mom's engagement ring, my Dad lost about 3 wedding rings (he'd take them off to golf). I'm always hiding stuff and losing it, once I found $200 in a lasagna noodle box and was so happy! When my roommate came home I was telling him the whole story and it turned out HE had hidden the money. ha! it was too funny.

I'm sorry to hear about all those precious jewelry pieces missing :(.

Funny story about the $200.00 in the lasagna noodle box though...!
What a lovely story, and not only are the pearls uber metallic and colorful, but the necklace and earrings look totally like they came from the same batch and belongs in a set together! Amazing!

I was shocked at how well they matched! I had originally paired them with lavender freshadama studs but was underwhelmed and suddenly remembered the little fireball dangles. I had never thought to wear them together before!

Fireball pearl pendant paired with lavender freshadama studs
What a great story! I'm so glad you found your earring, I would have been ill. I just had a similar experience with a pair of diamond earrings I put away (for safety) inside a zippered purse, while traveling. That was 3 years ago and I just found them last week, hidden in a box, inside another box! Sheesh! Your fireballs have beautiful shapes and amazing color!

SunSeeker, I'll be an old lady telling this story over and over... lol.

Diamond earrings-- you must have been thrilled!!
That ring is so artistic and creative! I love it! Your metallics have the most amazing color. Just wow...

I once found a long lost peridot ring when I moved. It was behind a couch. You never know....

Thanks, Pearly-Whites.

I love hearing these lost and found stories!
I once put my wedding band "in a safe place"...right into the garbage disposal. I was cleaning it and plunk...it dropped straight down! Had to call the plumber for an emergency visit! Fortunately, the ring emerged unscathed...I however, was not.

Lol! I'm glad the ring was undamaged! I think I recall you telling this story before...
AAAHHHHHHH!!!! SSSUUUCCCHHH SHARP METALLIC LUSTER!!! I'm betting $$$ that PP's phone is gonna blow up again for more Sheri's Screamer lol!
Here is the strand with a couple of other tops I tried before settling on the red sweater.

Here is the strand with a couple of other tops

Here is the strand with a couple of other tops

Here is the strand with a couple of other tops
I'm hoping PP gets more, too Purranha and Jersey Pearl (for those who missed out).

Thank you, Cathy!
Drop dead gorgeous. I often wear my triple red metallic with red, too!