365 Days of Pearls

What a cute ring! It takes an artist to look at a pearl and make a lovebird out of it. But those ripples! I love them and all of yours, just stunning.
Wowowowow.... that has to be the cutest ring in the world! Perfect little pearl birds!
Thank you, Cathy, Katbran, Pareltje, BWeaves, SunSeeker, Jeremy, Pearl Dreams, JerseyPearl, Sue Bee, and amti!
I didn't get to check the forum over the weekend and missed out on these beauties! LUV Battah's ripples - they are so intensely metallic - Battha has great eyes! And those bird rings!!! I remember I squeeeed when I saw Icy's version. Luv luv luv yours too BabyNurse!

JP - Icy has posted her ring in older thread - let me see if I can dig it up.
JP - I found the thread with Icy's birdies:

'lovebirds' ring from Rio Pearl (Hong Kong)
It would be a dream to go into the Rio Pearl store and look around in person!

Day 77:

Today I am wearing my Pearl Paradise fireball pendant and fireball earrings. I love these pearls! The pendant I bought when PP was selling a lot of fireballs, I think during a connoisseur sale. The earrings I purchased from dear BAS.

I wore this pendant the first time I met BAS back in 2014. Soon after I got home, I misplaced it. I looked everywhere, couldn't find it and finally decided it was lost. Two years later I discovered it in one of the pockets of a duffel bag! I was SOOO happy!

A similar thing happened with these earrings. I wore them to go for a walk with a friend. A couple of hours after I got home, I passed by a mirror, glanced at myself and noticed one of the earrings was missing. My heart sank! I retraced my steps, searched everywhere, couldn't find it. So I went outside and re-did the walk I'd gone on. I carried the remaining earring in my hand, glanced at it and then swept my gaze back and forth along the ground, walking very slowly. I walked like this for a mile, looking at the earring every 30 seconds or so so I could more easily spot it's mate on the ground.

I didn't really expect to find it but a mile into my walk, there it was in a sandy puddle on the sidewalk! You know when you have a moment where time stands still--this was one of those. I thought I was hallucinating. The pearl has the tiniest abrasion on one side but is otherwise perfect. #PearlMiracle.

Fireball pearl pendant Pearl Paradise

Fireball pearl Pendant Close up

metallic colors in freshwater fireball pearl pendant

fireball pearl pendant with metallic luster

Wearing fireball pendant

Metallic fireball freshwater pearl pendant

fireball pendant and earrings Pearl Paradise

Wearing fireball pendant and earrings
Firstly, thank god you found the pearls!! Secondly, just WOW! They are insanely colourful and gorgeous and I love their cute plump shapes!
Yes, great to hear your found the pearls. And yessss the colors are spectacular.
A terrific story of Lost and Found! I haven't been so fortunate. I've lost a mate to an earring and another pearl I still think about and long to wear... very annoying!

Your pairing looks great!
Whew, lucky to find that earring, and the pendant. They are so beautiful, so colorful. I want one so bad!
Our family is big on losing things- the diamond from my Mom's engagement ring, my Dad lost about 3 wedding rings (he'd take them off to golf). I'm always hiding stuff and losing it, once I found $200 in a lasagna noodle box and was so happy! When my roommate came home I was telling him the whole story and it turned out HE had hidden the money. ha! it was too funny.
What a lovely story, and not only are the pearls uber metallic and colorful, but the necklace and earrings look totally like they came from the same batch and belongs in a set together! Amazing!
What a great story! I'm so glad you found your earring, I would have been ill. I just had a similar experience with a pair of diamond earrings I put away (for safety) inside a zippered purse, while traveling. That was 3 years ago and I just found them last week, hidden in a box, inside another box! Sheesh! Your fireballs have beautiful shapes and amazing color!
A terrific story of Lost and Found! I haven't been so fortunate. I've lost a mate to an earring and another pearl I still think about and long to wear... very annoying!

Your pairing looks great!

Thank you.

I'm so sad about the missing pearls. How disappointing :(