365 Days of Pearls

Your Screamers just scream :) Not sure how I let this one pass me by but glad that I can see yours. Unbelievable luster that it boggles my mind that a little oyster created this beauty. Your a lucky girl BN, very lucky.
i'm the one who thanks YOU, baby nurse! And I am so totally borrowing that line ... "Walter, my pearl collection is solid, but there are a few holes..." LOL, if I don't reappear, you'll know it didn't work :)
These are incredible. I think Sheri needs to head back to PP to pick out some more screamers! : )
The metallic luster is extraordinary. Almost painfully beautiful.
Wow, the luster is over the top!! Absolutely amazing!

What I truly love about your thread is the wonderful attention to detail and photography and to see these amazing pearls in natural light. So often pearls are photographed in light boxes which make them look great but are then overly enhanced. These are so beautiful in "real life". Once again kudos to your wonderful ability to showcase this amazing collection. It continues to be a wonderful daily treat which I look forward to seeing. Great job!!
Now I'm kicking myself that I didn't keep my Sheri's Screamers. Those are gorgeous on you.
These are beautiful BN!!!

I'm kicking myself for not calling PP right away. I didn't know there were only a few strands.
Yes, luster is incredible, Purranha. You would know first hand with your own lovely strand:)

What a wonderful mother you are, Cathy gifting those pearls to your daughter! And I bet you both enjoy them better this way.

Newberry, I initially passed these by as well but then got very lucky in securing the strands that I did. There was a lot of phone calling and emailing going on between PP and myself lol!

Great description, lmgarden, "beautiful beams of light" :)

Boy, do I agree hanadama! She must have been cross-eyed searching so hard for the most metallic whites in that bin of pearls. I'll see if I can find the link from the blog.

It is indeed BAS. Thanks!

Lol, yep! ''Screamers'' is fitting MSC .
I picked out those pearls for PP when I was in Hong Kong, and yes, my eyes were crossed after a few hours of staring at the amazing metallic whites to find the ones that "screamed". I remember thinking how the iridescent luster of the most spectacular pearls reminded me of soap bubbles. I'd be ready to go back any time! Feel free to drop hints to PP... :rolleyes:

And BN, they do look absolutely gorgeous on you!!!
Wow, the luster is over the top!! Absolutely amazing!

What I truly love about your thread is the wonderful attention to detail and photography and to see these amazing pearls in natural light. So often pearls are photographed in light boxes which make them look great but are then overly enhanced. These are so beautiful in "real life". Once again kudos to your wonderful ability to showcase this amazing collection. It continues to be a wonderful daily treat which I look forward to seeing. Great job!!

I'm touched and flattered, Pearly-Whites! Thank you:o. I'll be honest. By about week 3 I was thinking ''365 days is a lot of days.'' But I love taking the pictures, sharing them, and coming back and reading the responses. Pearl Guide is a wonderful community.