365 Days of Pearls

baby nurse -- this has to become a regular feature. That is TOO hilarious! You should create characters that appear throughout this year-long journey!
Screamers and other metallic sympathizers upon hearing Jersey Pearl did not secure one of Sheri's strands.

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Put this together to make you smile JP; I'm not teasing. I know what it's like to miss out on special pearls and it's so disappointing. Your strand(s) is out there.

My husband said resemblance is uncanny...you have captured my horror/sadness when I discovered they were gone.
LOL love your metallic maiden!

And that feather pearl! Wow, I haven't seen anything like it before! Are feather pearls rare?
the feather pearl ring a special one! Very beautiful and creative!
I'm not sure I'm that creative, BAS but I'll give it a try ; )

JerseyPearl, you are hilarious!

That's a good question, hanadama! They may very well be rare. I certainly don't see them that often.

Thank you, Naan, and kalmen!
I'm really late to this party, but really LOVING this thread! BN, you have amazing taste and a stunning collection of pearls! Thank you so much for sharing them with all of us!

Hello SunSeeker! It's so nice to "see" you:o. Thank you for the kind words.
Day 41:

This is my golden South Sea strand and studs.

I purchased the strand from Eiko Pearl Company with the help of Icyjade. Thank you dearly Icy! The strand is roughly 18" long and pearls are 9.1-12.8mm.

I bought the pearls for the studs from Mickeyy during the 2014 ruckus and later had them set by Pearl Paradise. They're about 11mm.

I'm cheating today because I took most of these pictures in August. They're in natural light but I think the ones on my arm are in fluorescent lighting.

golden South Sea strand - Eiko Pearl Company

golden South Sea strand - Eiko Pearl Company

golden South Sea strand - 18 long and pearls are 9.1-12.8mm

golden South Sea strand - 18 long and pearls are 9.1-12.8mm

golden South Sea strand - 18 long and pearls are 9.1-12.8mm

11 mm golden south sea studs

golden South Sea strand and studs

golden South Sea strand studs

golden South Sea strand
Once again, THANK YOU, Cathy! I sent you a message (response) but it looks like my email' s suddenly not working.
Thrilled to get more chances to look at your pearls, baby nurse ... no thanks needed :) Sounds like we got the pearls "right side up" just in time! The luster on these goldens is remarkable. Were these considered round, off-round ... ? Love the overtones too, sigh ...