365 Days of Pearls

Baby Nurse, not only are your pearls fabulous, but your pearl photography skills are simply remarkable!!!
Baby Nurse, not only are your pearls fabulous, but your pearl photography skills are simply remarkable!!!

I second your opinion, Cathy. BN has the right skills. She can capture the overtones and luster of her pearls very well .
So, where do you stand in your house that you get such perfect lighting?

I've walked around my house and porch and tried different windows and light sources, and compass directions, but I'm not sure I've found the right spot yet. Plus backgrounds are important. There's one spot at work, in the shade, with a big tree trunk I can position behind me, but it's not ideal.
I'm interested in knowing how you choose which strand to feature each day BN?
Do you go through clusters (I've been seeing loads of CC) with others mixed in occasionally, and move onto the next cluster?
Thank you, Cathy, Pareltje, Katbran, MSC, and Purranha for the compliments on my picture taking!

BWeaves, I use the lightest, brightest room in my house which is my bathroom. The walls are very light blue, shower curtain and door is white, window is large and the light coming in is especially white because of the snow outside. I take the pics on days when it's sunny and I stand between the window and pearls so they are in diffused light.

I think having great light combined with the fact that I've taken thousands of pearl pictures increases the chances of a more successful photo. I only post a few each day but have to take many, sometimes dozens to get those few.
I'm interested in knowing how you choose which strand to feature each day BN?
Do you go through clusters (I've been seeing loads of CC) with others mixed in occasionally, and move onto the next cluster?

I'm sharing my whole collection, so to maintain interest I'm trying to alternate between classic (like the the graduated round lavenders from day 16) and not so classic (CC large pink/peach baroques from yesterday). I figure pearl pictures are always pleasant to look at... but I also don't want to bore anyone! No clusters, I just grab what I think would be nice for that day.

Also, I'd like to be spontaneous and post what I happen to be wearing that day, but most days it's not because the light may not be good that particular day. Lots of people prefer overcast days but I like diffused sunlight so I take pictures when it's sunny.
I think our vendors should hire BN to model and photograph their pearls. Love this thread!
Day 18:

Pearl Paradise double strand of multicolor akoya, purchased in the fall of 2012. Pearl sizes are 6.5-7mm and strand lengths are 17 and 18".

Wearing double strand of multicolor akoya

Pearl Paradise double strand of multicolor Vietnamese akoya

Wearing Pearl Paradise double strand of multicolor Vietnamese akoya
I took these earring pics this afternoon in fluorescent lighting. The earrings are Pearl Paradise silver Tahitian drops bought during a special.

Silver Tahitian pearl drop earrings.jpg

Wearings silver drop tahitian pearls with multicolor akoya.jpg

Silver Tahitians with Vietnamese akoya Pearl Paradise.jpg
Including this pic because colors are so pretty. In reality the colors are only 1/2 this saturated.

vietnamese double strand multicolor akoya