365 Days of Pearls

Is that the strand Jeremy chose? LOVE that ... and how cute does it look with the eggs ????? !!!!!!!
The eggs!!!! :-o

PS I think we should start an ornithological thread somewhere, bn :D with questions like: why are the eggs green? is it their natural color? :D :D

PPS seriously, are they naturally green those eggs? :confused:
Lugana, till Baby Nurse returns to tell us more ... yes, there are natural green, aqua etc. chicken eggs, laid by a number of varieties. I don't know which she has. Our friends raised chickens long ago, and they had one hen ... her offspring, even hybrids, laid an array of easter egg colors for years :) Didn't get us out of any work though; the kids still made us get out the egg dyes come Easter :)
I didn't realize those were eggs until I put by brains back in my head! I thought they were some polished stones at first. DUH!!! I should know this since I also had chickens at one time, including Easter Eggers, except I don't recall my green eggs looking so green. They were more of a light bluish-green color.
Love those pastels tahitians. And perfect with the eggs..
And those blues... It's still nadah after many buying trips. I shall be as patient as I can be...
OMG, those eggs!!!! I love the photos. Perfect juxtaposition of shape and color and theme. The pearls are gorgeous, but those eggs. Wow. Too pretty to crack.
Beautiful Tahitians, and those eggs...!!! I love the color of those eggs! I'd love to have a basket of those just for display...
The pastels are beautiful, but your eggs, baby nurse, well -- they're heavenly...
Thank you, Kay, Katbran, Cathy, Lugana, amti, Marianne, ericw, kalmen, BWeaves, jet, BAS, GemGeek, SunSeeker, and Purranha!

Day 205:

Cheating a bit today as this is yesterday's post and there are no genuine pearls in it. But it was a beautiful day and I did wear faux pearls so I'll share anyway.

We spent the day at the ocean. I'm comfortable wearing my pearls to the gym but somehow can't do it at the beach. The sand and sunblock and the terror of losing them in the water puts me on edge so before leaving the house, I reached for my $2.50 faux studs. They're pink, perfectly round and so shiny:cool:

Here they are beside the wooden teddy bear key chain my youngest painted for me when he was 3.


The water which is normally icy cold was so warm! When my oldest came running over to say how warm it was, I didn't believe him. He was right-- it was refreshing!


I may be up for lamest mother of the year award (laughing). I packed everything... except the youngest''s bathing suit. It got taken out of dresser drawer, held and admired by youngest child and then for some reason placed on the floor and there it stayed. I could actually picture it as I dug through the beach bags. So he swam in his tee and shorts and then played with the kite I DID remember to pack.


We ended the day with a box filled with our favorite pastries.


"My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. ". Forrest Gump

Me. "Only touch the ones you're going to eat." Sorry, keeping it real.
Yummy! And of course a day at the beach can soothe any malady...even missing swim trunks. The water here at the Jersey Shore has been incredibly rough, with many rescues this past weekend from rip currents. We are very fortunate in NJ that we have guarded beaches all summer long, and even into the fall when the weather is warm.
Thank you, Katbran and JerseyPearl!

Day 206:

White South Sea necklace and studs from Pearl Paradise.








Me. "Only touch the ones you're going to eat." Sorry, keeping it real.

My sister would have responded by touching ALL OF THEM.

I love the kite.

I always thought I didn't like SS pearls, and then I saw yours. I want some!!!

Actually, my Everything Bagel rope has some really gorgeous SS pearls in it. I'm playing with it today. And wearing Mom's SS drop earrings.