Some favourites from my collection

Love that bracelet!
(Well, love them all actually...)
Kelluvpearls: here they are :)

MissKk: happy to see you unlurking:)

Thanks happy Huku n Tucs.


"Wave" strand. 7-14 mm tahitians.



Old neck shots
Icy's Wave strand is quite famous lol and one of my absolute favorite (along with her charm bracelet).
Icy I know your harvest strand is your fav, but the wave strand has my heart!
Thanks for posting your strand again IcyJade. The unusual colours and the graduation grabs my attention everytime I see it.
IcyJade your pearls are just wonderful! That wave strand is so beautiful.
Icy -- you choose, photograph and wear your pearls magnificently!!! More, please!
IcyJade, I'm so happy to see your Wave strand again ... one of the most beautiful pearl strands ever !
Thanks for all your lovely comments!

Haven't worn this rope in ages so I'm glad it's getting some online love! This is a pure body color strand - little to no overtones on most of the pearls but thanks to the wide variety of body colors this strand shows its color under almost all types of lighting. The neckshots for example were taken under fluorescent lighting which is usually death to tahitians. I've taken a shot under shaded direct sunlight below to show how it looks under other lighting.

Lovely! What are the dimensions of the pearls? I love how that strand ebbs and flows.
7 to 14mm. The bigger pearls are quite something irl. Am always a little tempted to gather all the big pearls into a single wilma flintstone strand to see how it looks.

Icy -- you choose, photograph and wear your pearls magnificently!!! More, please!
A few more photos taken today below. :)

I can't tell you how many times I've looked at the Wave strands and thought...this time...just for me....and not pulled the trigger. I love them and yours is just gorgeous. So many people try to copy them but the quality is not the same. Next time..I might just do it. I just love your strand.
Ooooh... Yes pls get a fabulous strand and then take lotsa pics to show us. I'll love to see other color combinations etc. When I got mine the other two strands I saw had fairly similar but much darker and less vibrant colors.

A few more pics today since it's out of the safe. :)




Under shaded sunlight at the balcony

Versus diffused light (me blocking the light behind me)
Icy, it is always a pleasure to see more photos of your wave strand. Or any strand of yours, really...
It's such a beauty. If you ever organize a pearl viewing party I'm in! Or if you going shopping.. you've got great eyes for pearls.
Icyjade, the loose pearls that you got from the sale, did you have them set as charms by PP? I want to create a charm bracelet by collecting unusal color or shapes through different sources but wonder if i can add the bail by myself pretty easily, or should I stick with a vendor who can set them.