Some favourites from my collection

Thank you Cathy, BAS, Gemgeek, Katbran, amti, JP and Naan.

Realised that the photos of some of my older pearls are quite bleh so took them out to see if I can take some nicer shots. It won't be as glam as the period when I could use my light tent but I will at least give it a go this weekend. Here's a preview:


Those of you from PS will probably recognise some of the pieces. :o
And here are some pics of my harvest strand without a light box. I've to confess that I realised halfway thru photo taking that the pearls are a bit dirty but was too lazy to clean them...




I was inspired to get this strand by Newberry's and Red's harvest strands by the way. Beauties aren't they? :)


Oooooo, when I hear the pregnant mother of a 16 month old use the word Lazy about her actions, I want to clap my hand over her mouth and gently lead her to a couch. There is no Lazy here, no no no no no.

No such thing. :p
I kind of want to make popcorn to sit down look at all the photos.
Lisa: You are so sweet. I admit to being super envious of ladies who sail through pregnancies but I'm thankful so long as my babies are healthy and happy. I do feel like a whale now so no more neck pics for a while. :cool:

Purranha: sharp eyes!

Thanks Bweaves n Tucs, more pics to come.
So next up is my 'lovebirds' ring from Rio Pearl (Hong Kong). Loved it at first sight but I hardly wear rings so I hesitated to buy. Luckily my DH offered to buy it for me and saved me from lotsa future regrets. My first and currently only pearl ring.

Spot the ring...

Taken at the store... Brings back memories of how much I loved the ring at first sight. I remember squealing 'so cute!' in the store. :p



Various angles... I love all the little details and I hope you enjoy them too.





Haha I noticed them in the box but not sure what they were and thought they were part of a clasp...
I am not into pearl rings, generally speaking, but that is the most adorable and clever ring I have ever seen!
Lisa: You are so sweet. I admit to being super envious of ladies who sail through pregnancies but I'm thankful so long as my babies are healthy and happy. I do feel like a whale now so no more neck pics for a while.

I'm super-relieved that you didn't take offense at my clapping my hand over your mouth! At least I was gentle about getting you to a couch.

I truly get the super envy, but as a Granny (kitty-granny only, but in my heart I'm hopeful that my kids will get on the stick before I die) I have to tell you, I think super-easy pregnancies are a myth. I don't know one smart, aware woman who's had one. They must be very, very rare. I'm tempted to add a million more 'very's and 'rares' to that sentence.

I knew one woman who was so sick from hormones in every pregnancy that all she could eat was boiled potatoes. No lie! She was very pale, but her babies turned out well; I don't know how.
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Thank you BA, Bweaves, Purranha, PD, JP.

Lisa: I know at least 3 who say that they had no problems whatsoever except for minor stuff like water retention and stretch marks... Fatigue? No. Nausea? No. Cramps? No. You get the idea. Considering that they all had at least 2 kids... Who knows, maybe there are just more lucky ladies in my circle. I was in disbelief when I spoke to the first one but by the time I heard from the third I thought that maybe I'm just unlucky.
Wow that Purple Edison strands really pops out !! Gorgeous..all of them !!

And here it is. They can't be called Edisons unless they are from a particular company right?
So bead nuked purple FWPs? 11-13 mm also from Rio Pearl (in Hong Kong). Lavender pearls look bleh on me so i was happy to finally find dark purples tho this strand is not as well matched as I would prefer. You can see the color variations. But still... overall a nice purple. :D

Highly recommend purples to folks like me who can't wear lavenders.




Clasp allows you to wear it shorter by removing the 'infinity' symbol tho not a good idea with my fat neck...


Lisa: I know at least 3 who say that they had no problems whatsoever except for minor stuff like water retention and stretch marks... Fatigue? No. Nausea? No. Cramps? No. You get the idea. Considering that they all had at least 2 kids... Who knows, maybe there are just more lucky ladies in my circle. I was in disbelief when I spoke to the first one but by the time I heard from the third I thought that maybe I'm just unlucky.

Well, there goes my theory! I guess it's all genetic diversity, and we just got the rough version. Hang in there, Sweetie! You're good stuff!

BTW, when people used to tell me that the nausea was all in my head, I wanted to beat them forcefully around the head and neck. That's right people, I WANT to be so sick that all I can keep down is a handful of green grapes, for 4.5 months. That's a lot more fun diet than steak, for sure.

and your neck is beautiful, you gorgeous woman!
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When I was expecting my daughter, a younger acquaintance told me that all three of her pregnancies were a breeze and delivery no big deal. A couple of hours only.

I was not so lucky!