Tale of taking apart two 18-inch Tahitian strands


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2023
During this past winter, I have wanted a longer strand of Tahitians to wear with sweaters and turtlenecks. I had two 18-inch Tahitian baroque strands but I didn't like connecting them as they didn't really go together and were just too long for me. One of my early purchases was circled, multi-colored 8-10.5 mm strand that was nice but I didn't wear that much after purchasing a colorful baroque drop 9-11.5 mm necklace.

I took apart the smaller strand and sorted the pearls by color and size. The smallest, lightest-color pearls went into a bracelet using an orbit clasp that I purchased from Pattye. Then, I took 10 pearls that matched best to the colorful strand and added 5 on each end. Although they aren't a great match (circled vs drop), they are on the back of my neck so they don't really show. It makes the length about 23.5 inches which works out great and shows some of the pearls that I liked best that were mostly hidden before. With the remaining pearls, I used the original clasp to make an extender.

I'm mostly happy with the results but my stringing skills need much improvement. I've been using the 'Foolproof Pearl Knotting' YouTube video method which I really like....but I don't like the way that she finishes off with the big knots at all. I need to find a different end-knotting method! I made many mistakes...the biggest being that after I'd strung the long necklace, glued the knot and let it dry....I cut too close on the knot and had to re-do. Bad words ensued! :) If you look at photo, you'll see that I didn't do a good job on the extender but it's good enough...especially as it's not going to show. I'll re-do it one of these days when I order some more thread. I made so many mistakes that I ran out of thread even though it's a very generous amount that Pattye sells on the Serafil cards.

Also, it seemed like the holes were too big for 30-weight Serafil for double-thread knots so I ended up using a triple thread which took me awhile to figure out. I think I'm just going to order some 20-weight thread for future Tahitians...lol. Pics below.

This is the great thing about knotting your own strands-- you can arrange things the way you want them!
Do have a look at my stringing tutorial-- you may prefer this way of beginning and ending strands:

I recently used size 20 (Heavy) Serafil to restring my daughter's GSS necklace, which also had larger drill holes. It worked great!
This is the great thing about knotting your own strands-- you can arrange things the way you want them!
Do have a look at my stringing tutorial-- you may prefer this way of beginning and ending strands:

I recently used size 20 (Heavy) Serafil to restring my daughter's GSS necklace, which also had larger drill holes. It worked great!
I read this awhile back. Thanks for the reminder! I will read it again.
Tiger, this was a big project to tackle with your beautiful T's and congratulations, well done!! I'm certain you will reach for these pieces often!

When I am working with doubled size 30 and find it isn't heavy enough, this is my solution: Take one strand of either size 30 or size 40 the length of your doubled thread, string through all the pearls first, securely knotting each end. Test to make sure there is room to double back through 4 pearls at either end. Knot the 3 threads together. Of course, if you can switch to size 20, that works, too! My stringing style is just as shown in Pearl Dream's awesome tutorial.
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Tiger, this was a big project to tackle with your beautiful T's and congratulations, well done!! I'm certain you will reach for these pieces often!

When I am working with doubled size 30 and find it isn't heavy enough, this is my solution: Take one strand of either size 30 or size 40 the length of your knotted thread, string through all the pearls first, securely knotting each end. Test to make sure there is room to double back through 4 pearls at either end. Knot the 3 threads together. Of course, if you can switch to size 20, that works, too! My stringing style is just as shown in Pearl Dream's awesome tutorial.
Thanks Pattye! Yes, it was a bigger project than I thought it would be when I started. :)
Pretty, pretty pearls. I love the bracelet, and that's a great idea to make an extender.
Pretty, pretty pearls. I love the bracelet, and that's a great idea to make an extender.
@lisa c - thanks for the kind words.

@ennui - I have used the extender a lot, although I don't use it much during the warm months. But when it's cool and I'm wearing a lot of layers, it's nice to have a longer length.
I missed the original post on this! I love the versatile new pieces you created with your two strands. They turned out great!