Some favourites from my collection

There are some really pretty Tahitians, but your strand takes the top prize for making me drool, IcyJade! Love the waves, the roundness, the colors, and the length!
Thank you!

One last look before they go back to the safe...


Icyjade, the loose pearls that you got from the sale, did you have them set as charms by PP? I want to create a charm bracelet by collecting unusal color or shapes through different sources but wonder if i can add the bail by myself pretty easily, or should I stick with a vendor who can set them.

Yes pp set them for me but if you have them half drilled it shouldn't be too hard to set them yourself. You need to get the right glue - think you can probably check with others which one to get and how long you need to set them for before you can wear the pearls.
Oh the ring with the chicks was adorable & my eyes really gravitated to the icy white pearl with blue overtones.
Love the purples & drool over the peacock tahitians///

I'm bare;y in the earring fund so no dreams of getting a strand////
Has been a while but wanted to share this lovely set of diamond earrings with a dangling jacket that also works with pearl studs. Bought this at a local jewellery show and was really thrilled when I got home and realised that I could wear the jacket with pearl studs, especially since tahitians are so easy to get lost in my dark hair. The added bling helps to 'pop' the earrings.

From bottom left and clockwise:
Original diamond studs with jacket
Jacket with t studs
The clutch has the jacket and the bottom round piece moves - so it moves when you wear it. Really nice. :)
Original studs & jacket PLUS stud jacket. Can u tell I love bling haha.

Another fellow forummer got the same earrings but I'll leave it to her to decide if she wants to 'out' herself.
Wow! I love those diamond earrings and the jackets. Those are great.

Have you tried a smaller pearl with the circle jacket to surround the pearl, plus the dangle jacket?
Thanks Cathy and Katbran.

Bweaves: thought about it but I don't have smaller pearls that fit the jacket. I have been seriously considering to get a jacket for my pearl studs. Still thinking tho. My pss is pretty severe so getting smaller pearls to fit the existing jacket doesn't appeal to me... maybe an akoya pair but otherwise I'm used to my 10-11 mm studs. :)
These diamond earrings are wonderful! They will add a touch of elegance to your already gorgeous stud collection : )
Omg, your earring jackets look stunning. Wonderful way to add some bling to your fabulous collection.
Thank you JP, Sunseeker, Imgarden, Baby Nurse and Pareltje. :)

Here's the jacket with baroque akoya studs.