Show us your Tahitians

Beautiful, Elisha!

Yours too, Maiakity! They look wonderful on you. Hey, it's not a mere purchase, it's more like an adoption! :P
Elisha, totally faboo colors! Like candy!
maiakitty I love those pearls, they are just right for everything and everytime and everywhere!
Thanks everyone.
Maiakity, I love your strand. The drop shaped pearls are so lovely! And I now know I have a pearl obsession when I could identify the vendor just by looking at a vendor picture.:rolleyes:
Every time I think that I have seen it all, someone posts another impossibly beautiful piece of pearl jewelry. The last two have made me weak in the knees. Thanks for all the great photos!
Allt hese treasures are soooo lovely! I can't believe I'm buying camera equipment rather than pearls these days... Let me rephrase that. I can't believe I can keep from buying pearls long enough to buy the camera equipment. I am so proud of myself!!!

Who am I kidding? I have a Kamoka necklace. While there are a few items on my list, it's very hard to compete with a Kamoka necklace.

- Karin
2013-05-17 23.09.27-2.jpg
Maiakity, here is a picture as requested. It is really difficult to take a self shot of a earring. This is slightly out of focus but of the ten plus photos I took.
A kamoka strand sounds heavenly...... Is there a picture of it somewhere? I am very curious
Elisha! Im fell in love with your earrings. The best I ever seen!
AMAZING colours, Elisha! My Kamoka strand is in my album and in a thread about my pearls but I should probably repost here in this Tahitian thread. Sadly I have no glamour shot as the pearls were bougt directly from Josh to be strung as bracelet and necklace by me. I'll try to get around to taking some better shots now I have a great camera...



- Karin
Karin, Lovely seeing you in your Kamoka and SS pearls again! Looking gorgeous, too!

Thank you, Pattye :) Sadly, though, the vintage akoya (not SS) have been lost since several months. I was wearing them as a bracelet going out for the day. When I returned they were no longer on my wrist. It's recurrent challenge for me not to feel upset about it. At least it wasn't the Kamokas...

- Karin
Thank you for your compliments.
KarinK, so sorry to hear about losing that strand. I lost a pearl pendant ( not as big a loss as yours) & I can understand how you feel. Your Kamoka has wonderful luster and a lovely range of colours!
AMAZING colours, Elisha! My Kamoka strand is in my album and in a thread about my pearls but I should probably repost here in this Tahitian thread. Sadly I have no glamour shot as the pearls were bougt directly from Josh to be strung as bracelet and necklace by me. I'll try to get around to taking some better shots now I have a great camera...



- Karin

Your Kamoka strand is GORGEOUS! I just bought some Kamoka studs in dark green with peacock overtones and they are amazingly beautiful! I have pretty much worn them everyday since I received them. What size mm is your strand? I am considering purchasing one...
Hi LitGeek,

They're mostly 9 mm. They're off round but I put the most obvious off-rounds in the bracelet so the necklace looks round when I wear it. I love high carat gold so I used the high carat gold look with some 22K beads and bits and pieces at the back of the necklace (as I said, I need to take new shots). I interspaced the pearls with rubies in the bracelet. The bracelet, btw. got upgraded last summer as I replaced the two Kamoka's I had used for earrings with two humongous ones from John Wu/Tu (sorry, can never remember) and put the two Kamokas in the bracelet and removed two gilded gem links. Maybe one day I have only pearls in the bracelet but for now I kinda like the less formal look :) - lucky for me...

Right before I got the Kamoka pearls I had bought 32'' of less expensive Tahitians. And while they are colourful what struck me was how the cheaper ones seemed to have one coat of 'paint' while the Kamoka's have a depth to their colour that is impossible to show. It really taught me the importance of nacre thickness.

- Karin