Lights are on for the lightbox today, so here are my Tahitians:
A wonderful strand of mixed colors from Pearl Paradise, 8.5-11mm, love the matte finish ball clasp. My latest Tahitian strand, I couldn't resist. Have worn it so much I already had to restring it!
My first strand from Druzy Design almost 10 years ago, 10-13.5mm, restung recently. Soft pink overtones don't show in this photo.
Pearls from Druzy Design also, but just restrung, 11-13.5mm.
Mix of earrings, ringed pearl tin cup bracelet (sterling chain is 2mm), 15mm dark round was already drilled through so I finished it with sterling silver, fun to wear on a long chain, as I do with the magical KAMOKA light Tahitian. It is a silver/lavender 15.3mm. I think there are better photos of it somewhere else.
KAMOKA keshi pearls, am I the only one that can't get enough of these, lol?? Two small strands on the right waiting for my inspiration~