Show us your Tahitians

Nice Color Red, from what i saw the color look like peacock color, you chose one of the best.
please do not put all of your nice photo on the web without any watermark on your photo, I am afraid someone will use it and sell on the net.
Lovely peackocks, Red. This strand looks just great both on Sheryl's photo and in real life.
Hello LitGeek: Thank you for the complements. My strand has graduated pearls, and I think the biggest (in front) are about 11mm, maybe a bit more. The neck shot shows a lot of bright colour, but it is influenced by the siding on my house ... which is a pastel turquoise ... (believe it or not). My strand was sold as a mixed, multicolour group of pearls, with more greens and blues, and some light grey and silver ones mixed in. Red's strand shown above, is darker than mine, I think. And hers appears to have more of the true peacock colour, more aubergine. It is different than mine, but also gorgeous. A cloudy day is the best. But sunny is interesting, because the pearls look totally different.
Thank you for the most interesting strand analysis, Lindaphillipsbong. I was looking for greener, rather than greyer, drops, and that was one of my first questions to Sheryl. I wasn't completely sure how grey they were from the photos.

Thank you to Pattye, sinju, and Dizzie. sinju, I'll consider your request regarding my photos.
I totally agree with the sentiment about reading web photos of tahitians. I general, I find that they all seem a little puce-r in real life compared with specially lighted photos. That was definitely the case with my Tahitians I got from Jose.

His picture:
4.5- 9mm AAA purple color round pearl strand
13-14mm white  nucleated pearl strands
13- 14mm four color pearl pairs
over 13mm white color nucleated pearls
While I am not the best photographer, I do notice a greener/browner/bronze-ier quality to some of the pearls in real life. I have noticed this with other venders but in the previous cases I wound up being off put by it and returned the item. Jose's I still liked since there were some remarkable individual pearls even if some of the others had that muted earthy tone I don't like as well.
in any groups (forum) the member not all honest and real person, sometimes they take benefit from our post. Happy in this group..
Thanks Pattye. That pearl is by far my favorite. I just love blue tahitians. I haven't named it yet, but I'm thinking about it.
Hello LitGeek: Thank you for the complements. My strand has graduated pearls, and I think the biggest (in front) are about 11mm, maybe a bit more. The neck shot shows a lot of bright colour, but it is influenced by the siding on my house ... which is a pastel turquoise ... (believe it or not). My strand was sold as a mixed, multicolour group of pearls, with more greens and blues, and some light grey and silver ones mixed in. Red's strand shown above, is darker than mine, I think. And hers appears to have more of the true peacock colour, more aubergine. It is different than mine, but also gorgeous. A cloudy day is the best. But sunny is interesting, because the pearls look totally different.

Thanks Linda! :cool:
While I don't have a photo from Josh because these were not listed on his online boutique, I still wanted to share my new peacock Kamoka earrings :) I ordered these via email from him and I was over-the-moon with joy when these came and exceeded my expectations! I can't even begin to describe their glow and how magnificent they look in different lights.



What fabulous mix of colors on your necklace! Endlessly fascinating! LOVE the gorgeous blue pearl you added!

I second that :cool: Wow that blue in the center is just GORGEOUS! How fun to have a mixed color strand that you could add more pearls to in the future.
I'm just about to get ready for bed (up at four a.m.). I can't think of a better subject for dreaming than all your lovely pearls. <sigh>
About a month ago Pearl Paradise's blog posted a photo of a group of colorful pearls they just purchased on a buying trip. My friend Newberry was heading up to PP so I asked her to shop for me while up in "The Vault" I wanted more Cherry pearls for dangle earrings to go with my set. These are the pearls from the blog, just on the table at PP and in the light box.