Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Parrot Lady, your neck looks just fine. Beautiful blue akoyas and earrings. At least you look cool, even with such a temperatur. Is it humid as well? Tyen it's even more hot.
Gorgeous, ladies, gorgeous.
Love it all, and thank you for sharing
Oh parrotlady, blues are my favorites! Yours look absolutely lovely on you. I love the size. Looks like those mabes go great with them too.
Well, I did it-- I wore my "mammogram pearls" to the radiology office!
The x ray tech grinned. ;)

White SSP ring, bracelet, earrings and pendant
Hahaha. Love them.

They also look like the Truck Nuts. Do NOT google that at work.

I think I prefer them called Mammogram Pearls, too!!!
Ahahaha! Oh my, Pearl Dreams, you are brave to wear that little bauble. Talk about people staring at your chest...

Wearing a long Japanese Akoya rope with Tahitian dangle from Kojima, wrapped in a scarf.
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And one more neck lei from Kojima. A doublet strand with large off centered Tahitian with bezel set gem.

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Funny thing is, no one seemed to notice the pearls! I still had them on when I went to the library to pick up a couple of DVDs.
Then again, maybe they were speechless? ;)

BWeaves -- I've seen the truck nuts on trucks around here! :rolleyes: