Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

BWeaves, the everything bagel/tin cup/pistachio akoya combo just glows against that linen. Beautiful!
86CG, it may be hot but you look super cool in your Fiji pearls.
86Corvettegirl and Bweaves- you both look gorgeous in your lustrous pearls. Fiji pearls and pistachio Akoyas- pearl dreams for me. It always amazes me how some women like you two ladies look fresh and unaffected by hot weather. :)
Bweaves, the pistachios kill me every.single.time. and they layer SO well. Sigh.

And of course it goes without saying the fiji pearls are fabulous, 86CG! Another item on the never-ending wishlist.
I don't normally post what I wear because I suck at taking decent pictures of the pearls but it's boring at work today. I'm wearing a super metallic souffle from the round of PP VIP specials right before Christmas and leaf collection freshadama dangles with tiny 5-6mm Vietnamese golden akoya studs. The pendant gets a lot of wear time for me lately since it is warming up and goes with almost anything.

Metallic Souffle Pearl Pendant from Pearl Paradise

eaf collection freshadama dangles with tiny 5-6mm Vietnamese golden akoya studs - Pearl Paradise
BWeaves and 86C, I admire the fact that you can look so cool and pearly fashionable in 90 degree weather!:p ugh...

Lary007, those are great photos- I love your pendant and earrings!
Lary, I don't know what you're talking about, those are great photos. Better than anything I've ever taken, that's for sure.

And I love that souffle pendant. I was just on etsy earlier today trying to find a pendant like that. I gave up and got a SS pearl that I'll try to make into a pendant, but I still want a pendant like yours.
Bweaves and 86Corvettegirl, lovely combinations. I don't envy you regarding the heat. Maybe you get use to it, but I get heatstroke very easily so generally stay away from those kind of temperatures if possible.
lary007, beautiful earrings and pendant.
Lary, I don't know what you're talking about, those are great photos. Better than anything I've ever taken, that's for sure.

And I love that souffle pendant. I was just on etsy earlier today trying to find a pendant like that. I gave up and got a SS pearl that I'll try to make into a pendant, but I still want a pendant like yours.

I feel you. I wanted a souffle pendant SO bad and like you, looked forever and never found anything in the quality we tend to look for here on PG. When I saw this one on the VIP sale page I didn't hesitate. I've thought about contacting PP for a souffle ring, but I've just bought a big WSS ring from them that ate up all my pearl budget until after vacation. If your SS pendant doesn't quite squash the souffle bug, you might try asking if they have any that are just not listed or be added to a wish list for one!

Also, please do share pictures of the SS pendant when it arrives!
Thank you, Ladies. Heat is quite nasty plus humidity doesn't help either.

Lary007, Love your pearls, especially the soufflé! Looks wonderful on you.
lary007 your soufflé pendant is so pretty and looks crisp and cool to wear in the heat.

Charlotta, I grew up in a home without air conditioning, so you can get used to (or should I say survive) the heat and humidity, but it isn’t fun. Now, though, I just run from air-conditioned home to air-conditioned car to air-conditioned destination. It is predicted to be 98°F (36+°C) next week. I may not wear clothes, much less pearls.
Parrot Lady, no aircondition in sweden, mostly. But usually not that hot either. Except for last year, that was dreadful.
Today was more 90°+ heat but at least the blue akoyas look cool. Strand from PP, Sea of Cortez mabé earrings, linen knit t-shirt from Poetry Fashion. Young women, cherish your youthful necks, they don’t last forever.

blue akoyas from Pearl Paradise with Sea of Cortez mabé earrings
Lary007- Your souffle pendant is so lustrous. I love the rainbow shimmer.

Parrotlady- beautiful blue Akoyas and lovely earrings. I posted your pic right side up so everyone can admire them better.
