Wow, I love this thread. Heck, all of the threads which show pearls!
I need to get better at selfies, and photo taking in general. I've almost given up on taking good photos while wearing pearls, but I have some new ones and just have to post them. So, here they are. I've worn all but the Tahitian tin cup, it just arrived this afternoon, so I haven't had a chance yet.
Here is the Kojima ombre sampler and the Tahitian keshi earrings. I love them so much more than I thought I would. I love the backs they came with (not the ones in the photo), but I was wearing them with the new Natural White Hanadama earrings I just got from PP, I think 8.5-9mm if I remember correctly, they're one size larger than my NW Hanadama strand.
Here are those earrings, along with... The Coral Atoll Tahitian Circled Pearl Strand from Kamoka. Holy mackerel do I love this necklace. My photos don't begin to do it justice. I wore these earrings and necklace today, and had to go into the bathroom a work a few times, just to stare at them. I kept hoping no one would walk in and just see me staring in the mirror, and luckily they didn't.

Here's me wearing it a few days ago, but not such a good photo.