My pearls

There are colorful tahitians and then there are even more colorful ones (and then there are some really boring ones). Today I am wearing my rikitea strand from Cees, my remade drop tahitian strand, with the most colorful pearls from a strand from Pearl Paradise and one from Wen Pearls. I am also wearing my mismatched green tahitian studs from OceansRhyme.
It was a good day when I first contacted Cees two years ago. I asked for the most colorful and lustrous tahitian strand that he could find. I also said I didn't mind baroque pearls and the occational blemish as long as the pearls were colorful. Well he found me the perfect strand and many more since that day. My rikitea strand has been my constant companion these last two years. The pearls are 8-10,3 mm so perfect for all occations. Thank you Cees.
Thank you Katbran, BWeaves and lisa c. I love those colors as well. Today I have been wearing my ombre tahitian rope from Cees with my mismatched green tahitian studs from OceansRhyme. It's a good thing that I made that rope endless since I can't decide which section is prettiest. Now I can just turn it a bit.
Mismatched studs goes really well with the ombre rope since there are so many colors. I often use the rope with my other mismatched tahitian pair from Oceanscove.
And sometimes with my aubergine tahitian studs, also from Oceanscove.
I was going to use the aubergine ones, but then I changed my mind. Gorgeous though.
Today my to big circled tahitian bracelets from Cees arrived. I was going to use them for some project, but I think that they have to stay as bracelets for a while. They are that pretty. I took a quick photo of them, not the best one. I take some more photos next weekend when I have the good pearl porch available...
Such gorgeous colors, they are 12-14,2mm so pretty big pearls. I accually prefer big pearls on bracelets. Maybe I should make bracelets out of those freshwater ripples that I don't like that much. Anyway, I am trilled with my new bracelets. There is a gorgeous white tahitian pearl, a dusty blue, a copper one, a pale silver with a darker band. No I cannot choose a favorite. So many pretty pearls. The bracelets are 8,5 inches each, on stretch so I could make a necklace out of them, but then I can't stare at the all the time. Lately I have really been enjoying circled pearls.
Thank you Bweaves, yesterday I was wearing my two new bracelets from Cees (photos in a couple of days) and my big turquoise green and pink tahitian studs from Pearlescence. I often wears those studs alone in the summer, and I love the ring in one of them.
Whilst searching for photos of the studs I found a photo of all my tahitian earrings, I think...
It was before I remade those dark tahitian earrings into the topaz and tahitian dangly studs.
Even I don't remember all photos that I have taken...
I found a photo of my south sea earrings as well.
And one of my freshwater pearl earrings. It's a small group.
It appears that I did forget to photograph my akoya earrings. There aren't that many. I do that another day.
DROOOOL. You have a lovely collection. I'm drawn to the green SS studs, the yellow and gold mismatched SS drops, the metallics. Love the ring on the Tahitian stud. Oh, who am I kidding. I love all of them.
Thank you BWeaves, I really do love them as well. I made a tahitian keshi tassel yesterday, with 9 mm tahitian droppearls on the end of the tasselarms. It's so pretty. I will show you all soon. I finally got my order of tasselcaps and beading wire in very fine. Couldn't find any closer than california, so it took a while. Usually I can find beading wire in sweden.
This is Isabella, my tahitian tassel. I made her with keshis from Druzydesign and drop tahitian pearls from Cees. I sacrificed my keshi and drop tahitian rope, I can always make another one. I didn't want to wait for months for a delivery. I love my new tassel. Usually I prefer to have my tassel on a pearl chain, but this one I accually prefer on a silver chain that I made. I didn't weld or anything...just bought a chain, cut it and attatched a clasp and jumpring...halfmade?
I made her slightly ombre with lighter keshis at the end of the arms.
With my tahitian tincup. The tahitian drop pearls are from Wen Pearls.
Caffeine tincup with white south sea pearls from Pearlescence.
With my rikitea strand from Cees.
With my big multicolored tahitian strand from Pearlescence.
Ombre tahitian rope from Cees.
With my blue tahitian strand from Pearlescence.
And with my ombre tahitian waverope, with silver tahitians from Cees and blue Collins tahitian pearls from Pearlescence.
I wore the tahitian tassel with my big turquoise green and pink tahitian studs from Pearlescence and my new tahitian bracelets from Cees. More photos of these two later. I might have to make more bracelets stretch ones...
My new circled tahitian bracelet from Cees, that arrived earlier this week, have been on my wrist since I opened the package. Gorgeous colors and shape. One has pearls between 12-12,5mm and the other 12,2-14,2mm, so pretty big pearls.
I was going to use the pearls for some fun project but now I rather like them as bracelets.
Gorgeous tassel, Charlotta ... and oooh! those bracelets are fantastic!
Thank you Pattye, Parrot Lady and CathyKeshi. Love those bracelets. I discover new colors in them every day. And the tassel has so many colors in it, it really do take on the colors next to it.
Well I have been having fun with the beading wire in very fine that finally arrived earlier this week. Today I made a pearl and gemstone necklace. I have had those tiny, with tiny drillholes, neon blue apatites for years. I still have an ombre pink sapphire one to make something with. Anyway, I combined the apatites with some baroque tahitian from Cees that I had leftover from another project. The necklace is 25 inches long, about 27 with the extender I made.
I also added some lobster clasps to some wirewrapped tahitian drop pearls that I also had leftover from some project.
So many projects that I completely lost track of them. I have some more projects that I made this week. I will post those later.