My pearls

Thank you Bweaves and CathyKeshi. The lavender rose rope look better with the carved bead in photos, in real life, especially outside they don't look so good together. CathyKeshi, augustus-collection has some amazing pieces. I am tempted by the skulls for a tincup maybe. A whole strand of skulls might be a bit much, there are so many colors though.
That is a very cool bead. Congratulations on your innovative solution to the problem of the large drill hole - what a great idea.
Thank you SydK and azra. Living far away from findings does tend to make at least me creative. I could take it to a silversmith, but then we are still to avoid unnecessary shopping and such. So that has to wait, I have some gemstones to take there when this pandemic cools down.
Yesterday I tried to make stretcha bracelets, Wendy told me how to make the knots, but I have since reknotted them with a clasp. I have to have pearls to make them bigger if I am to remove the clasp. I also don't have a drill, the hiding of the knot is therefore difficult. The knotting part went well at least. I did brake a reamer when trying...on a not so good pearl. I also jabbed myself in a finger. Today I cannot see where so no worries. At least the bracelet got reknotted, they do needs to be reknotted more often than necklaces, at least for me. I take some new photos of them when it's lighter. It's raining heavily today. For today I am going to try to make something out of that ombre pink sapphire strand. Yesterday I put it next to a small strand of lavender rose freshwaters, not the rope that I just remade, this is another one.
Then I accidentally put my dark tahitian bracelet, with pearls from Wen Pearls, next to the sapphires and they look really pretty together. I don't use that bracelet anyway. I prefer the two tahitian ones I bought from Cees.
I should have a whole strand of those near black tahitians from Wen Pearls. Did I use the rest for another project? I don't remembed, I have to go through my jewelry box later. It could make a nice rope with the sapphires and maybe some small lavender rose freshwater pearls.
Today I am wearing my ombre tahitian and south sea rope and bracelet, with my champagne south sea studs from Tahitipearldesigner. I really like that rope, many colors, shapes and sizes. There are some blemishes on the pearls but it doesn't matter. I am accually pleased that I could find some transition colors in my leftover pile.
I didn't think about making a bracelet until after I made the rope so I had to comb through the leftover pile again, finding smaller pearls that didn't quite suited the rope sizewise. The ombre rope is also a kind of waverope with three different bigger focal points, a big medium golden south sea pearl, some big white south sea pearls and some bigger peacock tahitians.
I made it endless because I never wears my ropes doubled anyway. Just because I said that I will probably buy or make that I will wear doubled all the time. Just you wait.
Some closeups.
It also looks great with Isabella, but I am not wearing her yet today.
I made a strand out of those sapphires. Layout.
I didn't like the small lavender rose pearls with it when I tried it on the wire. So it's just made with sapphires and really dark tahitians. I did find the rest of the dark tahitians. I made an extender with those.
With my sealife pendant from augustus-collection and smokey pink tahitian studs from Pearlescence.
With the neon blue apatite and baroque tahitian strand I recently made, those tahitians are from Cees.
Both strands has extenders and removable little charms that I made. I like to add something interesting on the back of the strands when I don't use my usual clasp.
New strand looks also great with my peacock tahitian studs from Pearlescence and my peacock tahitian and white south sea bracelet (tahitians from Druzydesign).
That bracelet is one of four that I reknotted yesterday. The other ones as promised.
The white circled one and the deep golden one I made from those 4 strands I bought from Pearlescence this spring.
I should have bought more of those peacock circled pearls from Druzydesign, but I only did buy 10 of them. And it was 3 years ago...but they are stunning.
The other ones are in my ombre tahitian and south sea rope.
Thank you Pattye and Bweaves. Often I don't order outside of europe because shipping takes so much time but I am really glad that I did this time. Sometimes I have no choice, I just ordered more softflex from california. They had some cute iolite strands so I ordered 2 of them as well. I asked my swedish supplier of glue and that caffeine molecule thingy to please stock some softflex beading wire in very fine and they will, after summer. Fine is to big for my tassels and for tiny gemstones. I did buy some softflex in fine to try, maybe if I make a ginormous tassel. Maybe with those huge freshwater ripples that I don't like. I could use one of those thick ropes not-husband uses for the boat as a necklace, haha.
As you can see by the previous layout of pearls, there are some really dark tahitians and some greenish golden south sea pearls on it. Last night when I waited for not-husband to get dressed for an evening walk, my hands arranged those pearls in an ombre fashion, breaking up the dark tahitians with some big silver ones leftover from a strand from Cees (from when I made the blue and silver ombre waverope) and put all greenish golden pearls on one side. Then it got to dark to see the colors. Today I moved the south sea pearls to the other side and added a blue green wirewrapped charm next to the bluest pearl. Still to I cut up my poor tahitian extender once again. Then I added the one tiny blue Collins tahitian pearl from Pearlescence that I hade leftover from making my blue and silver ombre waverope. Perfect...that is...the pearls are not graduated...just arranged by colors and shades...the color graduation is at times abrupt...the charm isn't centered and the pearls are uneven with the occational blemishes...and I love it. Fun and not one bit formal. The charm stays off center so that's good. First layout.
I took a lot of these. Then went to another room to check the colors, back to the layout and move some pearls, another photo...
I had help by biggest cat of course.
Smaller cat wasn't allowed to help. Yesterday she ate a tiny lavender rose pearl and today she was busy breaking into a new bag of dried bonito flakes that I just got in the mailbox (I am learning how to do real ramen). Bad kitten, she ate some of that as well.
I had to make a new extender, but having used up most of my leftover pile of pearls (except for pink and peach ones and those quarantined huge ripples) I made an 5,5 inches circled silver and aqua tahitian extender. The pearls are small and don't really match my tahitians but they woun't show anyway. They are just to add some lenght to my 18-19inches strands when I want them a bit longer.
They are cute those pearls.
With my big multicolored tahitian strand from Pearlescence.


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I changed that strand from yesterday again. It needed something more in the center. That charm bugged me as well, to small maybe. I am thinking about making something to add and remove charm with. I have a wierd looking silver finding in the shape of an 8,with one loop smaller. If I added that to a strand then I could easily add a charm with a jumpring or a small lobsterclasp. But I didn't do that today. Years ago I bought a beautiful colorful circled tahitian pendant from Druzydesign. It was wirewrapped with gold or vermeil. I really do prefer silver or white gold with tahitians, all pearls really except for golden south sea pearls or other very warmtoned colors. That pendant didn't get used that much, just because of that. I had thought about rewirewrap it with silver but today I used the pearl as a centerpiece instead. That wierd little blue green pearls got incorporated in the strand as well. The strand is now 21,5 inches and the pearls are between 7,2-12,4mm. All sizes are randomly placed sorted only after color.
Today I am using it with my big blue green tahitian studs from Pearlescence.
Those studs are also great to wear alone if it's really hot.
With my other tahitian and south sea rope. This one has more circled and drop pearls. My new strand is generally made of rounder pearls, even if they are a bit bumpy.
The rope is 38 inches long.
Now my hands are itching to make a strand out of those baroque tahitian bracelet from Cees that I recently bought. I bought them to make something with, but then I really like them as bracelets. I could make them bracelets again. Well see.
I don’t know anyone who rearranges their pearls as much as you, Charlotta! All the ombrés are very eye catching!
Thank you jeg and BWeaves. I do have a thing for ombre strands. If I'm not really pleased with some creation or if I don't use it then it gets redone. Now I'm really pleased with new ombre strand and that circled pearl gets used. My favorites stay as they are. I wouldn't ever remake the rainbow strand for example. Bweaves, I have a gold and silver of those enhancers but I am afraid of loosing the pendants. Since one of the ends don't close fully. Do you find that it's safe.
I've found that enhancer to be very safe. The hook can be gently pressed closer together. However, it's a deep hook, and my bails sort of "snap" into it, so they're not likely to fall off at all.

Now, I don't know if I'd hang it off the side, like you originally did your charm, but it should be fine dead center.

If you already have that enhancer, play with it.
Today I made a strand out of those tahitian bracelets I bought from Cees. I bought then to have some new pearls to play with and they were both 8,5 inches so perfect for a strand really. It turned out great. Now I have a strand of really big tahitians as well as a big golden south sea strand. It's not as big as the big golden south sea strand, that one is 12-16,5mm. The big tahitian strand is 12-14,2mm. Both are 18,5 inches. That's a great lenght for pearls that big, at least for me. I added two pearls to the golden strand to get that lenght. I love the muted colorpalette as well. Not exactly pastel, more taupe colors. Pale golden brown, pistachio, pale blue grey, soft silver and greys and one pretty white pearl.
With the big golden south sea strand from Pearlescence.
With my rikitea strand from Cees and my other big, but less big tahitian strand from Pearlescence. These are so different from my new strand. They are so colorful, as most of my tahitians.
I love these muted colors and I found the perfect earrings for them, right there among my other earrings... Originally these soft blue grey tahitian pair had gold hooks, I bought them from Pearlsociety years ago. Well I mostly prefer tahitians with silver or white gold. So I changed them. I think that they were once studs as well
Nowadays I use them with my huggies from Pearlescence.
They are rather pretty like this.
Wait a minuten, I did not make this one ombre... Some more photos of yesterdays ombre strand.
I even have a neckshot that I forgot to post yesterday.
Charlotta, I second Pattyes comments! all your strands are lovely and I’d have never thought of arranging the pearls as you did in that necklace! That circle pearl is gorgeous and perfect as a center piece!!

I’m in the jacket club now too!☺️