My pearls

Thank you Bweaves, I also remade Mary. Mary had tahitian endpearls, but I didn't like the tasselcap so I ordered a gold (plated or something) one instead when I ordered the silver one for Isabella. The tahitian pearls didn't look good with the gold so I used the last vintage akoya pearls of the strand I made the tassel of to make new endpearls. Mary is now more golden than Alexandra but less golden than Victoria.
With Victoria.
Thank you Bweaves and 86Corvettegirl. I really like the tassels, not to formal and slightly whimsical and looks great with everything.
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After wearing my tahitian tassel Isabella, my new bracelets and different earrings for several days I changed pearls. Today I have been wearing my caffeine south sea tincup (south sea pearls from Pearlescence) , my tahitian floating pearl (Tahitipesrldesigner) and my white south huggies (huggies from Pearlescence, south sea pearls from Pearlsociety).
I think that I am going to wear those strands with my mismatched tahitian studs from Oceanscove tomorrow.
When I was taking photos of my pearls the other day I realised that I have made quite a lot of ombre strands and other pearly creations. I have loved ombre colors since I discovered ombre crochet yearn as a child. My grandmother accually was working on a ombre green tablecloth when she died. I found it and finished it and have it safely tucked away in a wooden intarsia box that her brother made her when she was young. Here are my ombre pieces. I might have forgotten some...
My ombre tahitian and south sea rope, with pearls from Pearlescence, Cees, Druzydesign, Kongspearl and some from my leftover box.
My vintage akoya and deep golden south sea ombre waverope and strand , the south sea pearls are from Cees.
Then the ombre circled south sea rope. The pearls and earrings are from Pearlescence.
My ombre tahitian rope from Cees, this I just strung, I didn't arranged the pearls.
I recently made this ombre tahitian silver and blue tahitian rope, the blue tiny Collins tahitians are from Pearlescence and the silver tahitians from Cees. The keshi huggies has pearls from Druzydesign and the huggies are from Pearlescence.
Of course my rainbow strand that Wendy helped me create. This is the ultimate ombre strand. The copper green tahitian earrings are from Cees.
And then there is my new tahitian tassel Isabella, with my rainbow strand. Isabella is made out of tahitian keshis from Druzydesign and drop tahitian pearls from Cees. The keshis are arranged in a slight ombre effect.
The mismatched tahitian studs are from Oceanscove.
WOW. Look at that Tahitian tassel! Awesome. Well, of course you whole collection is awesome, goes without saying.

Being ignorant, I’m not sure what your Grandmother was doing? Weaving makes the most sense to me, but it could be quilting... I’m dying to know.
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Thank you lisa c. She was accually crocheing with the yarn, she made lace table cloths, might be called doilies(?) even though some were quite big. She was talented however, knitting, crochet, weaving, embrodery etc, buy no quilting. When she retired she took classes in making baskets and such with birch bark. I still have some that she made me. She got so good that she sold them on fairs with her craft guild.
I have a new enhancer. It's not a pearl exactly, but it can be attatched to most of my strands. I recently bought a handcarved pink queen conch shell bead from augustus-collections. It has the most gorgeous sea life carving, a fish, a starfish and a seahorse. The 1,5mm drillhole was the only problem, halfdrilled. But since I am a resourseful person I solved this after a while. The pendantfinding I had on hand had at largest a 1,2mm pin. So I took half a clasp, 0,6mm silver wire, treaded the wire from above the clasp (where I usually has the french wire), tugged some. Then I twisted the two wires, cut it some lenghtwise. And I got my self an enhancer with a pin the right size. I glued the enhancer so that the fish and seahorse is at the front. I am really pleased with this carved enhancer. First the bead.
Then as an enhancer.
With my smokey pink tahitian studs from Pearlescence.
And my metallic pink freshwater huggies, the pearls are from Pearllunar and the huggies from Pearlescence.
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Thank you Bweaves, it really is gorgeous. I notised that bead several months ago and forgot all about it. Then suddenly I remembed it and wierdly enough it was still there. I have some carved abalone shell earrings that I bought from augustus-collection last year so I check there ebay store occationally. The earrings.
With my rainbow strand from Pearlescence.
Then I tried it on the pale golden, ivory and white mixed rope that I made with leftover pearls recently.
My pink and white iridescence rope.
I tried it on my lavender rose freshwater rope, that I recently remade again but I didn't like the colors together. The overtones clashed a bit.
It looked gorgeous with Isabella.
And with my new baroque tahitian bracelet from Cees.
Charlotta, your collection is a feast to the eyes! And those abalone earrings are beautiful!!
Thank you Lilpearl. The earrings are really pretty. I also bought a pair of carved monstera leaf for my daughter, that’s one of her favorite plants. They are gorgeous as well, don't have a photo of them though.
Lovely! On my screen, it looks like it matches the lavender rose pearl rope, but the colors may be off on my screen.
I see I need to haunt Augustus Collection more often! That bead is incredible, Charlotta, and the earrings are lovely too. Such a treat to see all the ombres; I'm very fond of anything "ombre".