First my ombre circled south sea rope that I made with three strands of circled pearls from Pearlescence. The mismatched south sea earrings are also from Pearlescence.

Then my golden south sea ripple rope from Pearlescence. The copper green tahitian earrings are from Cees.

The deep golden south sea and vintage akoya waverope and strand. The deep golden south sea strand I used for these two are from Cees, the akoyas are from a double strand of vintage akoyas and the deep golden south sea studs from Oceanscove.

My golden south sea and vintage waverope is another favorite, the vintage akoyas are from a well loved strand. The owner clearly loved this strand and used it a lot. There were damaged pearls on one side of the strand and on the back, from perfume or hairspray perhaps. I had to leave out some pearls. The golden south sea pearls are from Kongspearl.

Also with my huge circled south sea strand from Pearlescence.

Then I have a really long rope of blue akoyas and greenish south sea pearls. The akoyas are from Pearlescence, I bought four strands, and the greenish south sea pearls are from Kongspearl. These look best with the green south sea studs that I bought from Pearlescence.

The blue akoyas and white south sea rope is made out of the same blue akoyas as the blue and green strand, smaller white south sea pearls from Pearlescence and bigger baroque ones. They look great with these very blue baroque south sea studs and pendant from Pearlescence.

The green akoya and white south sea rope I treasure. Such lovely akoyas. The akoyas are from Pearlescence as are the smaller white south sea pearls, and then there is also some baroque white south sea pearls. Usually I wear this one with my 9,4mm white south sea studs, but I cannot find the photo. But it's equally lovely with my vintage akoya tassel.

The luster on these ones.

Then there is my iridescence rope, that are made out of mostly metallic freshwater pearls from Pearlunar and some white freshwater ripples from Pearlescence.

Of course my ombre tahitian rope from Cees. This one is glorious. Here with some aubergine tahitian studs from Oceanscove.

But most earrings go with this one, like the golden south sea ripple rope and my mismatched green tahitian studs from OceansRhyme.

I just restrung it again.

My newly made silver and blue tahitian ombre waverope is such a useful favorite. The blue tiny Collins tahitians are from Pearlescence and the silver tahitians from Cees. Usually I wear this with my green and pink tahitian studs from Pearlescence.

My tahitian keshi and baroque tahitian rope is gorgeous. The keshis are from Druzydesign and the baroque tahitians from Cees. With my bigger green and pink studs from Pearlescence. These studs I often wear on their own if it's really hot.

Finally, if I haven't forgotten any, my south sea and tahitian rope. This one has lots of pearls from my leftover box. Some are from Cees and some from Wendy. I think that there are some from Kongspearl as well. I made a matching bracelet.

The green and pink tahitian studs are from Pearlescence, I use that pair of studs a lot.

There are three parts of the rope with bigger pearls, as focal pearls. Since it's endless I can shift it depending of my mood or earrings or whatever.

Well that was a long post...