Thank you Pattye. I do love my bracelet and added a pearl to two of them, just so that they sit better on my wrist. I have been very busy lately, so I haven't had time to catch up. I did make another bracelet and a 38 inch rope some days ago. Normally I cannot make tahitians, white south sea and golden south sea pearls look good in the same strand. They look garish somehow, but I know that it's possible. So I started arranging pearls on my beading board, cut some strands apart and generally made a pearly mess. I found that any color looks good if I made a transition to the next color. So an ombre rope and bracelet it is. It was great fun and took my mind of the world for a couple of hours. There are circled pearls, drop pearls, wierdly shaped pearls and some almost round one, in lots of different sizes. I used pearls from Cees, Pearlescence, Druzydesign, Wen Pearls, Kongspearls and some south sea and tahitian ones I don't remember where I got them from. I have rather many small very circled tahitians that I think I bought as bracelets years ago for example. Anyway the rope first.

They go from deep golden to lighter golden south sea pearls...

greenish south sea to white...

white to pale silver, I don't remember if those pale silver ones are south sea or tahitian...

silver to aqua tahitian to blueish grey tahitian...

to darker grey tahitians...

to really dark to peacock...

to brownish gray and green tahitians...

to coppery tahitians...

and back to deep golden south sea pearls

I made the bracelet in similar fashion but had to limit the variety some.

I had also run out of some pearls,but found two small coppery drop tahitians to add.

I love my new rope and bracelet. So many fun colors