More Fiji Pearls

Thank you Katbran and Marianne. Hopefully, I will eventually fine a Fiji pendant to add instead of the FW pearl.
I just had to add to this thread. All of the Fiji pearls that I have seen here have been drop dead gorgeous. I wanted to show you a few of the pearls that I brought back with me from Justin’s farm. It was a magical trip and Justin was quite the character!
I like the two bottom multi colored pearls, but they are all amazing colors!
Judi, the colors are just spectacular!! I am amazed at how beautiful they are!!!

I just ordered a strand of Fijis from Cees tonight. I should have it by the middle of next week. I'm very excited to finally add Fijis to my collection.
I got my strand of Fiji pearls from Cees today. It's so unique & different from my other Tahitians. It's such a beautiful strand! I can wait o get it strung into a necklace! The pic will probably show up sideways. It's so hard to take pics with 1 hand.


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They are so beautiful 86Corvettegirl. How is your arm? Is it in a cast yet?
Thanks, PD! It's a little difficult to balance the camera horizontally & take a pic with one hand. LOL
Yes, I love the colors!
They are so beautiful 86Corvettegirl. How is your arm? Is it in a cast yet?

Thanks, Charlotta. I can't wait to get them strung. As for my arm, yes, it's in a cast. I go back Tuesday for them to x-ray it again & check the healing. If it's healing like the doctor wants, it will be kept in a cast. If it doesn't heal like he want, I'll have to have surgery so he can put a screw & a plate in. He doesn't want to do surgery if it can b avoided &, frankly, I don't want surgery either. He's very optimistic that it will heal without the surgery but wants to keep a close eye on it! So...fingers crossed it heals like it's suppose to!
Gorgeous- love the greens and golds. The size looks substantial as well.