More Fiji Pearls

Red, your Fiji pearls are gorgeous. I am newly smitten by their colors. I just bought a drop shaped strand from PP. They are having their VIP sale now. I would love to have enough to make a long rope.
Great choices for celebrating your bracelet season, Red. Happy spring!
Thank you Pearl Dreams, Luvglitz, BWeaves, JerseyPearl, and jeg.

I finally was able to get in close so you can get a feel for the wonderful colors of these keshi. From a distance in photos, all you can see is a white light reflection. I tried to line up the keshi colors near to the full-size pearl of the same color. The keshi do look better in person, I think, because our brains filter out the reflected light to a certain extent.

I have been spoiled by getting to choose each Fiji pearl for these bracelets. Luvglitz, I hope you love your Fiji strand. I saw it in the VIP sale, and I think it is one of the nicer pre-made strands that I've seen.
Congratulations Luvglitz; hope you can post photos of your new Fijis when you get them!

Spectacular photos of your beautiful Fijis Red ... well done. I spent an entire gorgeous October fall weekend taking pictures of my sister to yours Fiji keshi tin cup. Staged on fall leaves, moss covered tree stumps, stunning in the lens ... downloaded and reviewed and ... burned out pearls on every one. Moss looked great lol .... I've never caught the true colors, the bookmatched nature of the pearls, or the ever shifting multiple colors on many. So again, Well Done Red, and a real treat to see.
Thank you, CathyKeshi. I am looking forward to seeing your special Fiji keshi necklace as well.

One more close-up photo. I love those Fiji blues and golds.

Red, your Fiji pearls show the most amazing colors. Also, I love the drop shape.
Fiji Pearls from VIP Mother's day sale

Fiji Pearls from VIP Mother's day sale

Red, you have been a very bad influence on me! I loved your bracelets, and the Fiji pearls that you picked out individually. I bought my first baroque Fiji strand during one of the Christmas blow out sales. That started my fascination and Fiji mania. The VIP PP sale offered two strands, and after dickering with myself, bought both. I have really had a difficult time photographing these particular pearls. My first picture is of the first baroque strand I bought in December. The second shows my new drop strand. I am sorry the picture looks so flat and doesn't really show the luster. A better picture is the last with me wearing the drops. I have yet to photograph the baroque strand.


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Beautiful! It's really hard to capture both the colors and luster of pearls at the same time. I find it's easier to capture one or the other.
Those drop stands are gorgeous. I appreciate being a "bad influence ". Showing off these stunning pearl colors is the whole point of this tread.
Thank you Red and Pearl Dreams. I am finding these are becoming my “go to” pearls more then my Tahitians.
Fiji Strand Today

Fiji Strand Today

Unfortunately, I only recently was introduced to Fiji pearls, and now it's almost too late to continue finding and buying more strands as PP may not have more. I am wearing one of the strands bought during the Christmas flash sale. I am wearing my drop strand with a FW pearl pendant.


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I love how the freshwater pendant reflects so many of the colors in your Fiji strand! So glad I got my one little Fiji pearl when PP had them. Now I need to get it drilled :)