More Fiji Pearls

Thank you , Gemandpearlover! I do love their wonderful colors!
Red, gorgeous pearls! I love them all, but there is a half bronze, half white one on a bracelet that calls out to me as it is unusual and adorable.
The colors are stunning, as they are on Jeg's collection as well.
I ordered a stringing kit from Pattye and just finished my first ever stringing project with gimp. The gimp worked fine. I just need to string more often so that I learn a technique that works for me, instead of trying something new with every other pearl. But, I got there.

Fiji pearls from Cees strung on #30 Beaders Secret in Oak. I rearranged the pearls to a color pattern that I liked, and so they are not always by size.


Beautiful strand, Red. You did a wonderful job stringing. I love the color choice of the thread with these.
Snowshoeing most likely. February was the fourth snowiest month here since they began keeping records in the 1880s. Then more snow to begin March. This is a car driving down my street during the snowstorm last Friday. You can barely see it through all the piles of snow.

Thanks, everyone. The knotting could be better, but at least I can wear it. I appreciate the encouragement.
That's a great first knotting project Red ... and that's a LOT of snow :)
Red, I have the very same bird feeder. :)

We got about 13" of snow last night. That's nothing like what you got! Still, it meant getting up very early to clear it away so that my daughter and husband could get to work.
Beautiful work Red. Your stringing looks great. I especially like this fijistrands colors, a bit muted, very harmonious. Very pretty and wearable strand.
Isn't knotting so much fun, Red?! It's given me a whole new outlook on my existing strands. I'm about to take apart a long strand that I haven't worn for ages—and "reformat" it. :rolleyes:

That is a LOT of snow! Must be a bit nerve-wracking to exit your driveway...