365 Days of Pearls

I love today's combo! That stunning strand with the flannel. You have such a keen eye, baby nurse.
Parrot Lady: Try taking a photo of yourself, and then looking at the photo as if it was someone else. I find that I think I look totally different in photos than I do in a mirror.
Those black and whites look lovely on you. Everything you have looks terrific on you. (Sigh)
baby. Nurse, why does it look ao right on you and so wrong on me?

Parrot Lady— I’m in complete agreement with BWeaves. It’s all perspective, and a little of practice, too. I currently have 25, 000 pictures on my iPhone and that doesn’t include the ton that I’ve deleted. So if any of my pictures turn out it’s because I’ve had so much practice.

Try to find good lighting in a light colored room. My bathroom has very pale blue walls, white shower curtain, white door etc, so it’s sort of like a light box. And when you take pics have your back to the light source so that the pearls are photographed in diffuse lighting.

If you have any specific questions, please ask!
That black and white double just glows on you, BN! I am loving the flannel and pearl combo.
Thank you, Katbran and Kay!

Kay, the flannel is cozy and warm. Perfect for this time of year!
I love the flannel Lanz nightgowns! I had one as a kid.

No, I can’t imagine them in LA, JerseyPearl! It must have been very cold indeed with that AC.

Day 358:

Cream and white today. Burmese white South Sea studs from Pearl Paradise, tiny round white fwp from Hisano (little h), off round cream metallic fwp necklace from Pearl Paradise, graduated round Edison strand from Pearl Paradise.

I don’t have many but am really enjoying the perfect roundness of round pearls lately.




I wore the tiny strand with the cream off rounds. Didn’t think to add the larger graduated strand until the end of the day but really liked them all together.







So pretty, BN. I love the tiny strand paired with both larger strands. The luster is gorgeous!!! Such an updated classic look. You have such a variety in your pearl collection!!!
Mmm that’s a delicious look ! Really love the size variations and the shades of white and cream. So interesting and eye catching :)
I love a good white triple!!! I'm getting to the point that perfect nesting doesn't bother me anymore. I like how the pearls fall over each other. Beautiful.
I love a good white triple!!! I'm getting to the point that perfect nesting doesn't bother me anymore. I like how the pearls fall over each other. Beautiful.

LOL, me too! I used to try to get strands to nest perfectly, and now I like the slightly jumbled look too. I love the look of the different sizes in shades of white. I'm usually a big pearl girl, but now I need a strand of those baby pearls to layer with my akoyas.
So pretty, BN. I love the tiny strand paired with both larger strands. The luster is gorgeous!!! Such an updated classic look. You have such a variety in your pearl collection!!!

Thank you, Corvettegirl and Bcm21mk! Lots of variety in this collection from years of buying lol.
I love a good white triple!!! I'm getting to the point that perfect nesting doesn't bother me anymore. I like how the pearls fall over each other. Beautiful.

BWeaves, I too really enjoy the look of pearls falling over each other but I must say, when a triple or double is meant to nest and doesn’t, it drives me nuts! I have a couple of pieces like this and they really just need to be restrung. I wish I could do it myself but I think it takes an experienced stringer to string pieces that nest.