365 Days of Pearls

Day 342:

50” multicolor Tahitian rope from Pearl Paradise, picked up during my first Ruckus!

Worn long to my son’s 5 minute orthodontist appointment this afternoon. Pearls for every occasion...








Day 342:

50” multicolor Tahitian rope from Pearl Paradise, picked up during my first Ruckus!

Worn long to my son’s 5 minute orthodontist appointment this afternoon. Pearls for every occasion...

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My favorite Tahitian rope ever!!!!! I remember you being in Chenni's office with Barbara working on this necklace. What a wonderful year for Tahitians that was. Please bring this one with you in July :)
I remember peeking over your shoulder and watching Chenai working on this, Barbara in and out advising and helping ... my first Ruckus too! Weren't you also working on a long Keshi rope in blues and lavendars? 2 things especially stand out: You working on this glorious rope, and Red, in the vault, happily switching in and out pearls from her chosen Tahitians to make the matching bracelet. I was smitten, sold, and hooked. Oh, yes, and Marianne ... lovely Marianne ... sitting on a stool, choosing her Tahitians one. by one. by one. by one. out of a big bin Jeremy plunked in front of her and said "Have at it!". Every time I turned around, I thought I'd seen the most wonderful thing I'd ever seen ... and each time ... still feel the same way.
BabyNurse - I love your feather pearl ring SO MUCH that I have been HARASSING poor Sarah for AGES with that item on my wishlist to a point that it has been seared into poor Sarah's brain... =P

And I love how the Tahitian rope nestles into the drape of your top!
BN, I was new to this forum when you first posted pictures of that glorious rope. All the colors in those Tahitians still stun me in their luster and myriad of colors.
That is such a gorgeous, gorgeous rope, BN!! So jealous. It makes me want to head to a Ruckus so I can pick one up myself... I was so not a pearl kid until Tahitians captured me...
Oh, I remember that day well and fondly. That is such a stunning rope of Tahitians, baby nurse. It makes me smile whenever I see them. And running from room to room at PP is a magical adventure...
Cathy .. I can just picture that scene !! And I wish I'd been there !! Nothing like a big bin of Tahitians to chase away the blues !

BabyN - That is such a gorgeous rope very dramatic ... perfect for the Dentist . :D

Yes, ideal for the dentist, right? I’m never comfortable going there, which is probably why I armed myself with so much pearl!
BabyNurse - I love your feather pearl ring SO MUCH that I have been HARASSING poor Sarah for AGES with that item on my wishlist to a point that it has been seared into poor Sarah's brain... =P

And I love how the Tahitian rope nestles into the drape of your top!

Purranha, it was one of three very modest (price-wise) pieces I picked up at the Ruckus that year. I was lucky to be able to grab it. There was another Kojima ring with a gorgeous little copper egg shaped Keshi. I scooped it up and then realized I’d have to choose between it and the feather ring. This was the year I bought my golden necklace and there was no budget for anything else. Anyway, feather pearl won! I think lmgarden got the little copper egg ring.

I hope this is the year you find one!
Jesskat and 86Corvettegirl, thank you and welcome to PG! There is nothing like seeing Tahitians in person : )
Oh, I remember that day well and fondly. That is such a stunning rope of Tahitians, baby nurse. It makes me smile whenever I see them. And running from room to room at PP is a magical adventure...

Such a happy memory! Like being kids in a candy store and we were the last to leave that day!
Day 343:

This is the mixed South Sea necklace I bought preloved from Pkinnew. She sold most of her pearls about 3 years ago and many of us were fortunate enough to be able to buy one or two of her pieces.

I’ve worn it twice in the last 3 years, partly because the silk was stretched and I was afraid of losing pearls and partly because it never felt right. It was a custom piece by Hisano for Pkinnew and it seemed to me that this piece was more her than many of her others. I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy with this logic and the resulting neglect of her pearls but there it is.

So I made some changes with the goal of making this baby mine. I gave them a bath, restrung them on gold Beaders Secret (thank you pattye), added a new deep gold near the front, shortened it by removing the last 4 pearls, and switched out the clasp.

Worn today with gold South Sea and Tahitian keshi dangles from Kojima Pearl:o.





