365 Days of Pearls

BN, this sounds almost exactly like my story! I begged and begged my parents for pierced ears, and eventually my Dad approved when I was 12, for my birthday! But my parents insisted they were done at the doctor's office and for a long time, I had to wear those gold knobby studs too. Eventually I was allowed to choose other studs, but only studs, until I was an older teenager. I still have those gold studs and my first pearl studs, which are very tiny, maybe 3-4mm!
Sun Seeker, I too begged and begged...I was 11 when they finally said yes. Our pediatrician didn't pierce ears...so my mother took me along with two of my girlfriends and their mothers (we all fit in one station wagon) to John Wanamaker's Department Store in downtown Philadelphia when a rather large nurse (in full white uniform, cap, white stockings, white shoes) had a bowl full of 18k gold ball earrings with a sharp pointed end, and backings that were a locking bullet type. No piercing guns...just two dots drawn on the lobes and rubbing alcohol. Pop, pop and they were done.
Oh Wow! What a triple!

I got my ears pierced in my mid 20s, after years of swearing I didn't want two holes in my head. I never watched the movie The Deer Hunter, but I saw photos of Meryl Streep and her pearl studs, and I suddenly wanted my ears pierced.

Back then I didn't know about the different qualities of pearls. I could tell that the more expensive pair were better quality, but my pocketbook balked at the price. I regret it now. Except I'm sure the better quality pair still would not be as nice as what I will buy next.

I haven't seen The Deer Hunter either but I looked up one of Meryl Streep's photos from the movie and yep, that would sell me on ear piercing as well!

That metallic triple strand and the champagne Golay studs are truly stunning! I am so enjoying your collection.

I bought the same birthday cake Shopkins figure (in orange) for my little one's birthday next month.

My parents would not let me get my ears pierced until I was in junior high. I think I was 12 or 13. I was annoyed they made me wait that long, but they wanted to make sure I would properly care for the piercings. My mother got her ears pierced at the same time -- up until then she had worn clip-on earrings. My girls are 8 and 6, and I plan to wait a few more years. The older one asked about it recently, but backed off once I explained how they make the holes, lol.

Gotta love the Shopkins, Kay! I bought a ton of them last year but my youngest lost interest after a couple of months so I haven't purchased any since.

Your girls will appreciate their pierced ears more later on. I recall mine getting (mildly) infected more than once so they do require a measure of responsibility. And it kind of hurts to get them done! When I was a kid, a lot of people described it as merely a "pinch" -- not my experience. After getting the first ear done I distinctly remember thinking "oh thank God there's only one more!"
BN, this sounds almost exactly like my story! I begged and begged my parents for pierced ears, and eventually my Dad approved when I was 12, for my birthday! But my parents insisted they were done at the doctor's office and for a long time, I had to wear those gold knobby studs too. Eventually I was allowed to choose other studs, but only studs, until I was an older teenager. I still have those gold studs and my first pearl studs, which are very tiny, maybe 3-4mm!

That's hilarious! I'd forgotten about the rules re studs! Yes me too; I wanted little gold hoops in the worst way but had to wait years for them.
The christening is for a newborn but I also want to get a pair for her 2 year old sister. What do you think? Should I get the 3.5-4mm which can be worn in the short term? Or the 6-6.5mm which will be too large to wear now but may be nice for when they are a bit older?

Your triple is divine!

I don't know why I'm finding this question tough. Hmm, I'd be tempted to go with the little ones but if their ears aren't yet pierced I'd buy the larger ones. But you can't go wrong either way.
Sun Seeker, I too begged and begged...I was 11 when they finally said yes. Our pediatrician didn't pierce ears...so my mother took me along with two of my girlfriends and their mothers (we all fit in one station wagon) to John Wanamaker's Department Store in downtown Philadelphia when a rather large nurse (in full white uniform, cap, white stockings, white shoes) had a bowl full of 18k gold ball earrings with a sharp pointed end, and backings that were a locking bullet type. No piercing guns...just two dots drawn on the lobes and rubbing alcohol. Pop, pop and they were done.

Great story, JerseyPearl! I'm picturing you all climbing into that station wagon (!) and the nurse all in white. Blast from the past...
A year ago my parents asked me to come and get my stuff because they were considering moving. One of the things I packed up was my childhood jewelry box. I took a closer look inside it today and what did I find but those ugly surgical steel studs! Here they are beside one of the little gold ones, possibly from when my sister had hers pierced.

Day 118:

I just finished icing 24 cupcakes-- tomorrow is my youngest's 9th birthday : ). And I'm wearing golden South Sea pearls from Eiko Pearl.



The gssp just glow! They are so beautiful I almost missed the cupcake. Almost.... ;)
Sun Seeker, I too begged and begged...I was 11 when they finally said yes. Our pediatrician didn't pierce ears...so my mother took me along with two of my girlfriends and their mothers (we all fit in one station wagon) to John Wanamaker's Department Store in downtown Philadelphia when a rather large nurse (in full white uniform, cap, white stockings, white shoes) had a bowl full of 18k gold ball earrings with a sharp pointed end, and backings that were a locking bullet type. No piercing guns...just two dots drawn on the lobes and rubbing alcohol. Pop, pop and they were done.

What a vision that must have been, with all of you girls piled in the car, excited about your piercings! I love J Wanamakers in Philly! ..used to go every Christmas just to see the displays!
OMG, those steel studs are hideous. I had my ears pierced at a piercing shop, and I picked the gold style studs, which actually looked sort of nice. But I couldn't wait to get rid of them and wear my new pearl studs. I actually got those old studs out last night, and I realized I could see the MOP shell bead through the nacre. Size wise, they are 7 mm, which is comfortable and looks nice, but I'm wondering if I want to go 1 mm bigger.


And your SS pearls just look like real gold. Wow. And they go great with the gold dots on the Boden top.
Baby nurse, your pearls are gorgeous. I just love checking in with this thread to see the lovelies. I get a kick out of the stories too. I was late to the ear piercing party apparently, waiting till I was 15. I was child #5 out of 6 so my parents were pretty much exhausted all the time and I was left to my own devices. Got my second holes done at the age of 50. I had lots of pretty earrings and hated that I could only wear one pair at a time, so - more holes for more pretties.
Those goldens....siiiiiiiiiiiigh. so lovely! ETA: very happiest of birthdays to the wee one!!

I got my ears pierced as a baby by my doctor. He used 14kt studs (the ones I usually wear in my second hole). I got my second hole done at a jewelry kiosk in the mall when I was 12, using one of those guns. They got infected a LOT for the first few years I had them. Side note: in high school I worked for a store and was trained to pierce ears using "the gun." They are the worst. They jam all the time. I felt sorry for all the kids that got their ears pierced where the gun jammed, that must have been painful. I just got my third ear piercing a couple weeks ago and I went to a professional piercer who used professional grade piercing jewelry. I must say, the difference is night and day between the pro gear and the crappy studs those guns use. There's no turning of the earrings necessary as they are completely smooth so there's nothing for the interstitial fluid to form a crust onto. And the experience was wonderful too; very similar to when I got my nose pierced. Highly recommend professional piercers for ear piercings!
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