Yokota Pearls

I tried on a 23k GBP Mikis once, 7-7.5mm, supposedly their top grade, and thought anyone who would part his/her money for it has more money than sense.

Unless I win the lottery, or PP allows me to buy an inch of pearls at a time every month for the next 2 years, then a 9mm+ Hanadama is out of reach for me.

With Tiffany's, as with Mikimoto, you are paying a huge premium for the brand (and all the adverts in Vogue etc)(and remember that to get your product into the editorial pages and onto a model in Vogue and similar you have to have spent a huge amount on advertising)
Honey and Lemon and Gem Geek. Thank you. I do love them. Here are a couple more photos that I have not shared previously. While pearls are notoriously difficult to photograph, I think some of these photos show the orient and luster of this strand. Maybe in future I can take better photos. As to Caitlin's "blow them out of the water" comment, I just don't understand how she can compare two strands of akoyas without having them 'in hand'.

And she does this again here:


Nice pearls, almost flawless to the eye, but look up Gem Geek's untreated hanadama thread. The difference leaves yours, as pretty as it is, in the dust. It is so luminous and has so deep a play of orient, it is visible in photos.

Yours is a typical bleached AAA akoya, and there is nothing wrong with them, they are high quality, but what orient there was, was been destroyed by the bleach, though the ball bearing luster remains."

Now, don't get me wrong. I like and respect Caitlin, always have, but it is obvious she is not an akoya lover, so maybe she should not judge. (I know...this has nothing to do with the topic of Hanadama...)


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    10-11mm FW, natural color, commercial grade
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When you bought that strand how did it work (shipping, billing etc), what "grade" was it within Yokota's system?
Honey and Lemon and Gem Geek. Thank you. I do love them. Here are a couple more photos that I have not shared previously. While pearls are notoriously difficult to photograph, I think some of these photos show the orient and luster of this strand. Maybe in future I can take better photos. As to Caitlin's "blow them out of the water" comment, I just don't understand how she can compare two strands of akoyas without having them 'in hand'.

And she does this again here:


Nice pearls, almost flawless to the eye, but look up Gem Geek's untreated hanadama thread. The difference leaves yours, as pretty as it is, in the dust. It is so luminous and has so deep a play of orient, it is visible in photos.

Yours is a typical bleached AAA akoya, and there is nothing wrong with them, they are high quality, but what orient there was, was been destroyed by the bleach, though the ball bearing luster remains."

Now, don't get me wrong. I like and respect Caitlin, always have, but it is obvious she is not an akoya lover, so maybe she should not judge. (I know...this has nothing to do with the topic of Hanadama...)

Ok, I see I have slipped to the third person even though I am sure you do not want anyone else to answer for me. I admit I did not like like akoyas, esp when I first got here. Since then, I have usually mitigated my opinions, but anyone who reads past posts will know where I stand. Of course I don't expect you have had time to get to know me through past posts that far back.

So a synopsis: I detest branding, Mikimoto branding in particular. It is so........ Veblen-esque. Thorstein Veblen, that is. Don't get me started. It is only my opinion, lots of people strive for brand names in everything they buy, but don't expect me to have respect for that mindset. I don't.

I have seen a lot of akoyas- including the ones Mikimoto sends around in its traveling AGTA/CPAA/gem show exhibit. I spent a great deal of time looking at them this year, while Jeremy talked to Bo and a couple of others at that display. Do not get me wrong. These were gorgeous necklaces, better than most people ever see.

I think GemGeek's untreated akoya is far more beautiful with its complex overtones and iridescence than the ones I saw on display. I was just taking a wild guess, but I don't see how any other necklace, hanadama quality or not (I said quality, not certified), could be more beautiful than the ones on display from Miki.

And Blaire's were better than that.

I certainly did not demean your pearls by saying that- that are what they are- very good akoyas- excellent akoyas- but when they are bleached AT ALL, subtleties disappear, leaving pure white perfect orbs with a smashing mirror luster. Which some people prize above all others. Go figure.

I was certainly not insulting your pearls, I was trying to tell you something- that untreated akoyas are far more astounding than treated. We have been spoon-fed the IDEA of perfect white orbs, but the real thing is so much more subtle and better.

I would never buy a hanadama. All I was doing was defending the idea that hanadama grade should be from at least the top half of the harvest and never be awarded to AA quality pearls.

I just saw him sneer down the idea of hanadama, then say any grade pearl could get the certificate, and then he offers AA as handama. Whatever.

Except it is not over, because you thought I insulted your pearls, sight unseen. I hope you will now accept that I did not. Blaire's are just better.

I am sorry, I do not see any orient on your pearls. How do you define orient- before I get into any more trouble, lol!
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What I do see on the last photos is the pinking. An artificial treatment that is not even disclosed, but was invented by Mikimoto.

Treated akoyas are not just cultured in the oyster, they are manipulated after the oyster- to fit some preconceived notion of what a Mikimoto pearl should look like. And the pinking after the bleaching is to counter the creaminess found in so many untreated Pinctada fucatas.

IMHO, your typical treated akoyas, no matter how high the quality, are carefully processed to remove any natural color and replace it with pinking to produce a pearl about as natural looking as a tight corset or Geisha makeup. IMHO.

Not to say tight corsets and Geisha makeup aren't gorgeous in their artificiality.......please don't pick on me for that, too!
Hi Caitlin. Yikes! I didn't mean to go 'around' you. I just didn't see it that way. My bad! My opinion on orient is that it is a unique play of color on the surface of pearls. I have looked at Gem Geeks photos and have down loaded some of them and compared them side to side to my photos, and honestly, except in the photo she took outdoors, which I have not yet done with my strand, I don't see a hell of a lot of difference. I would love to have them in hand together to admire both strands. But it really does not matter Caitlin. I love mine and I am sure Gem Geek loves hers. Maybe some day I'll order one of the untreated strands from PP. I'm not opposed to having many, many strands of pearls, and I love 'em all; akoya, ss, SoC, FW... I could go on. So no worries...be happy!
I was not trying to make you not love your pearls! I am delighted you do!

Maybe I could get a hanadama from the vault and have Blaire photo them together, but I would as soon leave this debate behind.

You can't do better than handama quality in akoyas whether they have the piece of paper or not.

And unless Jeremy can keep finding the untreated ones as good as Blaire's, then this will remain an esoteric comparison. If he does find more, well, then maybe more photos will be seen. I am so sorry you are obsessing on my remarks! Your pearls are fine!

Remember, there are always better ballerinas, gymnasts, and pearls, than the ones you see at any given time, in any given year. Just as today's average ballet dancer has far better technique than the prima ballerinas of the 1920's- through the 1950's, so have pearl culturing techniques improved every year from the same time period. If nacre is thinner today, it is not because of technique, but due to maximizing profits.

When the day comes that pearl producers do not have to do so much cosmetically to the pearls post production, so will the absolute quality of the pearl be improved.

Akoya producers chose pure white with a touch of pink and absolutely round, as their production values for pearls. However, most pearls do not meet those specs and have to be treated to make them appear like their artificially constructed ideal.

(People have always liked some gray or blue akoyas, so not all of those are bleached, just the creamy, yellowish ones and the surplus grays and blues. Same thing in freshwaters except the natural colors have gained a lot more popularity than in akoyas.)

Henceforth, If I ever dare venture into opinions on akoyas again, please remember my bias, er POV, and do not take what I say about them, personally. I just happen to think I have seen the future in top quality akoyas....and taking a page from your own argument, until you see them- let me have my opinion, LOL!
Oh my word Caitlin. You get the feeling I'm obsessing? Au contraire my fellow pearl lover. I could not be more light hearted, and I thought my posts showed that. But anyway, it really would be informative and educational to have both types in hand. So have your final say and be done with it...
I too, feel lighthearted. I was remarking about you downloading photos and comparing to see what I am talking about, LOL! It creates a certain image in my unbridled imagination. Maybe I even supply you with a magnifying glass, going back and forth between photos!

Until you see one of these in person- just be patient. If you don't agree at that point, you know you can come back here and say, "I told you so"! And I will be happy to let you have your opinion!

Are you coming to the ruckus? I want to see some of your collection!!! I am under the impression that you are a world class gem-junkie, er I mean, connoisseur, and what I have seen so far, is glorious! I am looking forward to meeting you in person, some day.
Ok Caitlin you made me LOL. I would love to meet you. I do live in So. Cal, is that where you are? Maybe come over for tea (or something a little stronger)? I'm afraid I would feel too much the newbie going to a Ruckus with all you people who already know each other.
We have a turnover. At least 6-7 can't make it this year, but a brand new 6-7 have signed on. You will not be alone. It will be in Malibu. If you don't want to spend the night, at least come visit sat afternoon.

And bring your beads. Your pearl-plated beads, that is. I'm sure Blaire will have hers.

I live in Tucson. If you want to visit during the gem show, in Feb 2013, I'll take you wholesaling. I would LOVE to see you shop for pearls in a place like that! And go look at the mighty Mikimoto exhibit, and more!
- Oh no..not Zeide. Before my time, but still read a lot about her/him/it. Never been to Tucson, but get to Phoenix several times a year, I have a sister and niece there. And sometimes Flagstaff.

- Well, that IS what they are - pearl-plated beads, but I have all nacre FWs too. I think I've posted them on my 'show off' thread.

- Oh, and as to Mikimoto, I am very like you in that respect...brand names do nothing for me and I am NOT impressed.
With Tiffany's, as with Mikimoto, you are paying a huge premium for the brand (and all the adverts in Vogue etc)(and remember that to get your product into the editorial pages and onto a model in Vogue and similar you have to have spent a huge amount on advertising)

I'm certainly not paying a premium for the brand - personally, I avoid brands. I particularly, for example, avoid clothes which have a large brand symbol of them - they should pay me if they want advertising!

The only major-brand things I buy, really, are perfumes.
I don't see what the big deal is with Akoya pearl treatments, knowledgable people know, and the ignorant don't care. When you're dealing with strands at Yokota's level, the pearls probably didn't need or get much treatment.
Wearing clothes with branding clearly visible is a sort of tribal thing, like this tribe wears pink feathers and that wears blue...
Wasn't it vuitton which was nearly killed off by one pic of some chav like kerry katona and a sprog dressed head to toe in logos?