Xmas gift


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
My lovely strand from Pearl Paradise. :o

I had the pleasure of speaking to the CEO Jeremy , he was kind with helping to choose my strand AAA quality. 26514024_2002416776450022_2091568688_o.jpg
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It's very pretty. I really like near round/drop strands.

Is this your first pearl strand? Ot first Tahitian strand?
What is the mm size?
Neck shot? :D
I LOVE all pearls but my favorite is Tahitian. My next one on the list is Golden South Sea earrings / pendant.
Thanks =) might not be best picture for now this is what I have. The colors of my strand would stand out more against a lighter colored top.
Welcome, IHEARTPEARLS! Thank you for sharing pictures of your new strand. It’s lovely.
Welcome, IHEARTPEARLS! You got the best help with those Tahitians, and they are lovely :)
Thanks Katbran =) Yes agree with you. Not perfect round , more bang for the buck but still gorgeous. I am not perfect so it's ok that my pearls are not perfect. =)