Sea of Cortez Mabes


Sep 19, 2013
First of all, I just need to say that Sarah at KojimaPearl is one of the nicest people I've ever done business with on or off the internet. She is SO sweet - I mentioned to her that I'd let my little sister wear my earrings to her prom (Kamoka dangles) and that she looked amazing in them, and she included a surprise free pair of Tahitian earrings for the sister! :eek: SO NICE. I don't even know what to do with that besides gush.



I honestly think they're beautiful. They have more rainbow color to them than my iphone can really pick up (at least one pearl does - you can kind of see which one has more of the oil-slick in these photos), and show up on the ears as a soft, silvery blue-gray fading to teal depending on the light. Good size too; I included a round 8.0-8.5 akoya for comparison :D I think these are maybe 12-14 mm across. Sarah wrapped them in hammered goldfill to accentuate their blueness; the posts are 14k. Really very pretty and I was so HAPPY to finally see a Cortez pearl in real life, of course no one sells them just off the street and I can't get to any gem shows here. So that was nice.

That said, I've been dithering about how flattering they are on -me-, and whether I really need them considering I'm moving in two months. I felt far too bad to return them after Sarah's sweet present, plus I couldn't make up my mind, but now I'm sure that I should pass these babies on and wait for more Cortez down the road. If anyone's interested, please PM me and we can discuss; I'd like someone here to have first dibs. :)


The freebies. We both like them, we're sharing for the moment :P I have two other sisters so we shall see what happens in the future. Mr. Akoya remains as the size comparison.


The famed prom-queen Kamokas <3 the stud parts are teeny tiny diamonds and everything else is varying size and color of Tahitian. I had serious buyer's regret with these until I opened the box and then I actually gasped out loud. And then I didn't have regret any longer, the end.


And, just for fun, the mother-of-pearl plumerias I got from Na Hoku at the Polynesian Cultural Center. $30. Adorable, shiny. Awesome. *thumbs up*


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Love the SoC mabe earrings, thanks for sharing!

DK :)
Just lovely! Thanks so much for posting! Would you mind posting a picture of the mab? pearl earrings' backings? I'd love to see more detail
Renna! Beautiful pearls! Mabe earrings are extremely amazing!
Renna! We are waiting for photos of those beauties on you!