TRIP AROUND THE WORLD? Feb 28th - Mar 26th

Robert wan auction

Robert wan auction

Today I put a new video up on the PearlTalks YouTube channel. It is from the Robert Wan auction at the International Gem show in Hong Kong! Please check it out and let me know what you think.:)

Hope that you enjoy!

P.S. The next video that I will be putting up will be an interview that I did with Robert Wan at his auction.
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I thought it was fantastic. Please continue with those videos. It is very informative and gives a great glimpse on what happens where at least I can't go.
Thanks Ramona! It was a really cool experience... Up until that day i didn't know how auctions really worked and that was my first time at one. Since we had cameras there we just figured why not film it and explain it for everyone else who has never had the opportunity to go to an auction. I am glad that you enjoyed!
Thank you Caitlin! Unfortunately don't have it that section but I was not the winner. I am sure those pearls will end up in some extraordinary pieces, they were amazing. I am really excited to post the Robert Wan interview. After we filmed it I never got a chance to see it so for me It will be like watching it for the first time. They should have it put together by next week though.
Excellent! Josh, you've gotten so smooooooth, and the production values! Wow. I hope you keep 'em comin', they're fun.
While watching the video on the Robert Wan auction I noticed that the bids were in Euros. Is that now the common currency in the pearl trade? Or are auctions still mainly in USD? I am curious since the currencies have been fluctuating wildly. Do businesses protect themselves against currency devaluation or do they just live with it?
I asked one of Mr. Wan's associates if their auctions were always in Euros they said yes because the Euro is a stable currency. Euros are not used commonly across the pearl trade specifically. Private sales in Tahiti can be done in US dollars, Private sales in the Philippines can be done in US dollars and Private sales in Japan are done in the Yen. Each region has it's own policy and preference.
Thanks for the information. Though it seems to me the Euro and the USD are both in a race to the bottom at the moment. Nothing stable here.
I asked one of Mr. Wan's associates if their auctions were always in Euros they said yes because the Euro is a stable currency. Euros are not used commonly across the pearl trade specifically. Private sales in Tahiti can be done in US dollars, Private sales in the Philippines can be done in US dollars and Private sales in Japan are done in the Yen. Each region has it's own policy and preference.

It used to be dollars ... up until about 2008.
Josh, about how many pearls were in the lot you bid upon? Minimum of 200 pieces? Maybe 300? I'm going back to view, enlarge and count-estimate.
Thank you so much Pattye! I totally wanted to just let him talk, I wanted to keep the interview going and just say as little as possible as to not interrupt him. I am so happy with it and it was such a great experience!