Todayʻs fun

I don't knot when using beading wire either; the 2mm beads provide the same flexibility to the strand that knots do (though of course they don't protect against wear.) I also don't knot at the end, but I use Twisted Tornado crimps and have never had them give way. Nor have I had the beading wire break.

I tend to save this technique (using bead spacers in lieu of knots) for gemstone necklaces or for pearl necklaces that I don't wear so often. So wear does not become a big issue. I do think finer pearls that will be worn often should be knotted.

A problem I had in the past was that the wire sometimes slipped through the tiny gap in a jump ring attached to a clasp, so the necklace came away from the clasp. I solved this by attaching the wire to a closed ring. No problems since doing that.
Hi Kelluvpearls,
Yes, I knot first and slip the spacer bead over the knot.
I don't use wire, so when stringing pearls with metal or gem beads I use Powerpro and knot between every pearl and slip the metal bead over the knot.

Love those golden keishis !
I also don't knot at the end, but I use Twisted Tornado crimps and have never had them give way. Nor have I had the beading wire break.
I haven't tried those crimps, but I bought some and will try it. Sometimes it's just me not squeezing tight enough. :rolleyes: I don't always know the ends, but am starting to more and more, especially with the pearls like the Goldens, and the black diamonds, just to be extra sure.
I'd like to try the Power Pro, but these spacers on the goldens, and on the lavender pearls on the page before this one have very tiny 2mm beads between them. Can you get them over the knots when they are that small? The holes are miniscule. Does the wear come from the wire? I do use the wire that is marked for pearls, although I know it's not as soft as silk. OK, I'm off to set up my Sat. booth!
Hi Sheryl,
The Powerpro knots slip easily under all the beads that I have used.
I also find when using it that I never have to ream pearls either.
Thank you everyone for sharing their stringing methods. I might get some PowerPro later on and try Sueki's method as well.
Hi Sheryl,
The Powerpro knots slip easily under all the beads that I have used.
I also find when using it that I never have to ream pearls either.

Thanks Sueki, I think I'll order some and give it a shot, although I confess I use the beads so I don't have to knot. However, yesterday I was able to sit at my market table and knot another strand of lavenders with less bent nose pliers interference. When I catch up I'll post my market (NOT STOCK) ventures. :D
It happened today, and it seems fun, so here goes:

macroscopic natural pear on the cheap

Beats me why the seller insists that this isn't 'recycled'... I'm guessing that the pearl and the diamonds were drilled & cut for something else about a century before the platinum & gold ring was assembled for them, and that's a nice thought. The 1800-ish cut of the diamonds close to octahedral crystal shapes looks interesting (OK, you'd need a loupe to tell, but the magnified pictures go some length), quite different from the more common flat chips in such old jewelry.

[just opinion based on the same info everyone has ... etc...]
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The today part is the pictures. These are more of the tourmalines I got in NY in Sept.


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Sheryl, That is lovely, and thanks for modeling also! Tourmalines are so yummy!
Sheryl, That is lovely, and thanks for modeling also! Tourmalines are so yummy!

The modeling part is the hardest, since I also shoot them myself. But the hardest part is trying not to look at the condition of my skin, make sure I cut out my neck and refrain from photoshopping myself out of the picture some how! :eek: