Pearl size question


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
Well, the forum has convinced me I don't need Miki's. But, I'm not sure if I want freshwater or Akoya. Here is an issue I hope you can help with.

I have been looking at the 7-8 mm Freshadama by Pearl Paradise. I am concerned with a 7 mm pearl and an 8 mm pearl being on the same strand.

I saw something stating the larger pearls will be in the center and smaller pearls on either side of the clasp. Can someone owning either Freshadamas clarify? I am incredibly picky and know this could be a deal breaker for me (I have looked at pictures and don't notice a hugh difference, I just want the opinion of an owner). Is there a reason Freshadama and Elite don't come in 7-7.5 mm? All I can think of is supply limits this ability. But if this were true, I would expect the same to be true with hamadama - which is not true.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Yes, there is a small amount of graduation in my Freshadamas so that the larger pearls are in the front. Personally I would prefer 7-7.5, 8-8.5-- I like a more uniform look-- but the difference in the size of the pearls at the front is not huge.

I often find my pearls hanging a little off-center after I've worn them for a while (like all my necklaces, the clasp seems to work its way around to the right side of my neck!) but it is not apparent that the slightly larger pearls are off center. Not at all apparent.
I wonder if iight vary from strand to strand. I can tell you from experience that the people at PP are exceptionally helpful. Have you thought about calling and asking them about the strands and if they could chose a more uniform one for you? I bought a strand when they first came out. I haven't measured the pearls, but they seem *very* uniform to me.
Hello Lisamla
and welcome to this forum. Nowadays the "Chinese standard" (this is meant to be sarcastically), has become 1 mm between the smallest and the largest pearls on a strand, it used to be .5 mm before. :(

When buying a Freshadama strand there seldom is more size difference than .5 mm, at least so it is with my strands. But if you speak with PP, I am sure they can you get a strand that is uniform since the pearls chosen for a strand are put together out of loose pearls anyway!

Otherwise one has to take into consideration ordering a size larger to get what one really wants! However, 1 mm is not tat big a difference for the strand not to hang nicely!
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I often find my pearls hanging a little off-center after I've worn them for a while (like all my necklaces, the clasp seems to work its way around to the right side of my neck!) but it is not apparent that the slightly larger pearls are off center. Not at all apparent.

For me, it has ever been thus.
I have never owned a strand of pearls that hasn't been graduated. I think the fashion for same-size pearls must be a recent thing.
Of the finished necklaces that I own, none are uniform in size all the way around the necklace.
Hey Lisamla-
On the 8-9mm freshadama's I got, the difference from back pearls next to the clasp to front center pearls averaged 0.5 - 0.6MM - that is such a small difference your eye from an arms length or even close up would almost be impossible to see.

I also got the gem quality special at PP that Jeremy is running and there the difference is a smidgen larger - say 0.75 on the largest difference from biggest center pearl to smallest pearl around the clasp. But again, to the naked eye from an arm's length and even close up when I was examining these pearls it is very hard to tell the difference and I'm VERY particular about this like you.

Lisamla - let me tell you those Freshadama that Jeremy has at PP are AMAZING. You can really see a marked difference in luster and orient compared to the January monthly special and his AAA which are amazing and beautiful in their own right but I was joking with Kirsten yesterday at PP that the Freshadama are like HDTV pearls - the reflection, clarity, shine, luster and orient on their Freshadama's are truly remarkable. From a guy's prospective, giving pearls that are HDTV in quality is important!

Hope that helps.
I was joking with Kirsten yesterday at PP that the Freshadama are like HDTV pearls - the reflection, clarity, shine, luster and orient on their Freshadama's are truly remarkable. From a guy's prospective, giving pearls that are HDTV in quality is important!

Ha! Thanks for the comparison - now I can talk to my dh in terms he will understand :D
Thanks for all the feedback.

I'll definitely be sure to request my Freshadama's be close in size (if possible). Everyone has such good things to say about PP that I don?t anticipate any problems. I sent Kristen an email about some other questions, and she did a great job answering - leaving me more than confident. Based on the feedback I imagine I won?t really notice much of a size difference.

I like the HDTV comparison. Now my husband can?t complain.

Its nice to find a forum with such good information and so one that is trustworthy.