Hi All and thank you,
I am not going to go into too much at the moment - just not up to it. But although I haven't checked her feedback for a while I believe it was fine. But the thing is on eBay feedback comes in many forms. If I love something, I rave, I rave and say I loved it and how great the seller is. If they have not been totally honest I either work it out with them or just say something like. "Received, thanks." and that's is it. Or Pretty Pink Pearls - when it the item was SS golden pearls - generally after the person apoligising etc but I hate leaving really bad feedback and my way is to leave little if I feel they have not been totally honest. If I feel they have just made a mistake I just leave positive feedback without raving.
This apart from my Karma, came from experience. If you are too honest the dishonest seller slams you back and for the most part people don't see what is behind it all.
I leave great feedback for customers and generally they do the same for me but this time I am sure I will be Slammed, even though in emails she said it was all her fault etc - yes I have kept them all. I hoard emails as well as pearls

I guess what is distressing me is that I will slam her back, but there is not enough room to explain why and it will just look like I am a nasty piece of work.
I was terribly stupid. I wanted to pull the item but she didn't want me too. I left it on. I was actually going to keep it as it was beautiful but now all I associate it with is pain. It is not that she got a bad deal but yes I did feel she paid top price so I sent her extra and paid for expensive postage and insurance. If she had kept the emails "friendly" I would have once again said to send it back but after saying she didn't want to now it has all gone to ++++, just in the last few hours. She keeps changing her mind. I think intially she thought she could buy, sell, scam and make a lot of money for herself but when it didn't work out she has finally shown her true colours. Up until recently she was pretending to be friendly. And I made the right offers but they didn't suit her - but now I think it is War and because of some things she has done now I will not except it back.
I do know that many buyers think that if they don't like a product when they get it they should just be able to return it because it doesn't suit their colouring or it "makes me look fat" or whatever but I don't think they realise that it costs a lot of time and money to list items. Actually a terrible ammount of time and money and often we lose on items, yes on ebay we lose often. I might pay $40 and I end up selling it at auction for $9.99, then the buyer buys another $5 item and pays for them separately so I go down another $2. Might not sound like a lot and isn't but it adds up along with all the fees - ebay, paypal, often go down on postage too.
So I am going to stick to my guns. Because it has become a matter of pride and principle now. So for my own self respect I have to fight it out. I hate fights.
Dawn - Bo - Bodecia

my old love (bitch) dog that died when she was 16 years old. She Walks In My Soul - one day we will be reunited again. So many of my darlings walk in my soul.
I feel for you Dawn. Sounds like you've encountered a nasty "Zeide Erskine experience" if you ask me. She was a master at making people feel stupid and confused. Anyway, chalk this nastiness up to experience. If you want to be successful at sales, you must stick to a set of your own rules and you have to keep repeating those rules to pesky, non-serious buyers, over and over and over, every time they give you some of their own silly spiel.
I've never done commercial sales, but I did many years of ferreting out rare things for collectors as a sort of hobby. Some collectors were very eccentric and demanding. The way I kept my sanity was to stick to my rules without exception. It would have been too stressful otherwise.