Hi All,
Yes, she has relisted again. I think her reasoning is that she is saying to PayPal it is worthless by listing it so low. I thought it was a lovely ring and really liked it. Wanted to list some nice items that I didn't make and went to one of my jewellery box. Not my pearl jewellery box and decided to part with that one. I did think it was an Emerald but I couldn't be positive. Funny thing is now I have a lot of Emerald items listed

but sourced by myself. Makes a difference. Actually she is not trying to use the Emerald part of it, she is using that I said it was not modern, which apparently it isn't. But the thing is we talked a lot on emails and she is the one that actually talked me into the fact that it was old. I thought it was but only changed my listing after talking to her. She collects Black Hills Gold rings etc and I think she knew all along it wasn't old. But it is not flimsy and is so well made.
I have asked for it to be returned to me for a refund but it could sell with that low price on it.
Her stalking wasn't only after she decided it was too big for her finger. She was emailing me under different names asking stupid questions about other items. I didn't realise it was her until all hell hit the fan. I don't know why she decided to come after me but that is just the way it feels to me. As if somehow it was intentional. I know that sounds looney tunes but .... well it seems that way to me.
Actually I did send her the present because I thought she had paid top dollar. I often do send presents to good customers but not generally such expensive ones.
The Underbidder turned out to be legit too. I checked up on that and saw that they now have bought 2 items, one an Emerald ring or something and another item I can't remember. I am so tired as I have been trying to catch up on work. Haven't slept in so long I can't think straight.
Thanks for the support, especially Caitlin and Jerin, Pattye and others. I don't schill bid on my own items

that is a great way to loose customers. I hate it being done to me and often when it is done it is fairly obvious. If anyone wants to check up they only have to look at some of the items that have gone dirt cheap. That is ebay and that is the way it is. Win some, loose some. When I saw that a 0 feedbacker was the one that bid the buyer up I was horrified and that is another reason I sent the pendant. Turns out it was just a carried away newbie with more money than sense.
The buyer wanted a partial refund of $250. She wanted the ring, the pendant and not to pay for the $53 extra dollars postage. She hasn't paid of course and she wants to keep all. I don't know what is going on at the moment and probably won't for 2 or 3 weeks. I am just trying to put it behind me for the time being. Not easy though. I did offer her a refund but not what she wanted and then I felt like I was being blackmailed so I just dug my heels in.
Dawn - thanks guys. Hope this makes sense because I am so tired it could be gibberish for all I would know.