Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

jeg that SoC strand is still blowing my mind. :07: Your keshi SoC is also ridiculously pretty!

Thank you all for the warm welcome! <3

CortezPearls- 11-12 necklaces per year is mind-boggling!

Pareltje your akoyas are so beautiful!

Full disclosure: I'm returning the black bracelet. It's really pretty but not quite what I was expecting. I'm sure my expectation vs reality sensor is off-kilter since I have no experience buying pearls online, but the picture seemed more colorful than what I got. Since I wasn't as in love with it as I am with the lavender I decided it'd be best to return so I wouldn't have that tiny bit of disappointment when I looked at it. Live and learn. I'm very grateful that Pearl Paradise accepts returns!
Thank you so much, lary007, AngelinaS, and 86C!

Beautiful Akoya, Pareltje! I like the matinee lengths, too!

AngelinaS, I hope you find something you love. Pearls are very finicky about lighting. There are some days where certain pearls of mine just do not want to come out to play.

Silver blue Akoya from PP, Tahitian cloud necklace from Kojima, with Tahitian and Akoya keshi earrings I made.
Thank you, Pareltje! My heart was singing for a pearl from cmw last night, there may have even been some heavy breathing, but I had to reign myself in! :18:

jeg I'm sure I will! I'm going to start saving up for blue/silver blue akoyas because every photo I've seen has had me having heart eyes! :love:
Thank you everyone for the kind words on my turquoise & pearls. I love that's so colorful & uplifting.

Jeg, you look wonderful in your blues & cloud!
Thank you so much AngelinaS and 86C!!

J. Hunter Fiji bracelet and keshi pendant I brought back from Fiji. Worn with a strand of Fiji pearls from Cees.

Those colors are beautiful, jeg! I love how you share photos of your outfit as well as a close-up with your pretties laid out so we can get a good look at them. :love:
Fiji pearls are some of my favorite...lovely strand and bracelet...lovely pendant! :heart:
Love those Fijis, Jeg. I need to get mine out for some love. I also want to get another strand with brighter colors like blues, greens, & aubergine.
Did someone say SOC Keshi? Yes, I know most of you have seen these multiple times. But I'm hopeless with a camera, so sharing these and begging indulgence :). Diamond beads, SOC keshi from Douglas, designed and crafted by our incomparable dear friend Sarah at Kojima Pearl Company :) Like most pearls, these are far prettier in real life, and tiny ... 3 - 4 - 5mm average, with the drop at about 9mm +/- ... I'm not very precise :)
CATHY DASSLER - 1 889.jpg - Sea of Cortez Keshi Pearl Necklace
CATHY DASSLER - 2 890.jpg
Jeg, the clothes are a breath of bright spring breezes ... and those Fiji pearls are singing to my heart ... LOVELY!
That soc strand is stunning jeg as are your other pearls. And I love your outfits. Me jeans and sweater every day...
CathyKeshi your soc keshi necklace is a masterpiece.
Thank you jeg . Your Fiji pearls are breathtaking. I enjoy seeing your collection of pearls.
CathyKeshi, wow once again wow! Love your keshi SoC necklace! I love the design too!
Yes CathyKeshi a Keshi Masterpiece! And thank you for posting those photos again :D
Did someone say SOC Keshi? Yes, I know most of you have seen these multiple times. But I'm hopeless with a camera, so sharing these and begging indulgence :). Diamond beads, SOC keshi from Douglas, designed and crafted by our incomparable dear friend Sarah at Kojima Pearl Company :) Like most pearls, these are far prettier in real life, and tiny ... 3 - 4 - 5mm average, with the drop at about 9mm +/- ... I'm not very precise :)

Hello, Gorgeous!! This is breathtaking!
Aw thank you all! I wish you could see the sparkle of those tiny diamonds. The masterpiece is all Douglas and Sarah's genius ... I'm just the custodian ;)