Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

WOW, I don't know where to start! Thank you all again for the kind words about my necklace :). eolian pearls, that photo on your terrace is a dream to me; haven't seen the ocean in nearly 2 years. That will get remedied soon ... Jeg, those blues, golds, creams are just divine! Octopi ... once I met one (Monterey Bay Aquarium) in person, I could never eat one; the intelligence in the eyes, and what I watched that creature do that day was stunning. Lisa C, you look marvelous in those summer glow pearls!!! Ah, Douglas what a beautiful pendant, Carlos was a wonderful artist and a dear human; I feel very lucky to have known him for way too short a time. Here's a pendant Carlos hand forged, that Douglas hand carried to a ruckus for me. Carlos later made me a pair of custom earrings to go with but I couldn't find the photo, sigh. SOC of course :) I treasure this one.
CarlosCabralREDGINKOCORTEZ.jpg - Carlos Cabral Sterling Red Ginko Cortez Keshi Pearl Pendant
Thank you, Charlotta, LisaC, 86C, and CathyKeshi! LisaC, that probably was my mom I referred to in posts. I had been caregiving for my own mom until losing her in March. Now my MIL’s health is failing. She is a dear, dear, person. I will be heading back over there in a couple days to help through the week.

Perfect pearls to celebrate the sun and your knees, LisaC! Those thrift store dangles were a find!

I remember that special piece making its appearance at a Ruckus, CathyKeshi. What an absolute treasure you have!
Thank you for posting this photo of the pendant CathyKeshi :07:
Carlos was like an older brother to me...I miss him so much. We spoke hours on the phone at least once a month. Miss those talks. Thank you for keeping those close to your heart. It means a lot to me.
I know you miss Carlos very much Douglas. It was easy to see why; he was wonderful; wish I'd gotten to meet him ... we were planning on us coming down to visit you all. He loved you as well. It's my great privilege to have custody of a few of his precious pieces. I really love the one you showed earlier on this thread!
That pendant is a treasure CathyKeshi. Love those colors.
jeg, so sorry about your mother passing. I hope that your mother in law pulls through. Your an angel to take care of them like that.
Ah jeg, I’m so sorry. Losing your’s so hard, and now this.

A HS friend told me a few years back when she lost her Mom “I’m devastated, but I tell myself, other people have survived it. I guess I will.” That kept me going when Dad died, then Mom, But... Cold Comfort, you know?

We love you; apparently a lot of us are floating in this generational boat, losing our parents. I’m thankful for all of us on PG, the love.
I was absent for a few days and dang! there are more pretty pearls.... keep em coming, ladies....
jeg I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your Mom in March. I hope your mother in law pulls through... :( I keep my fingers crossed that you remain strong during this challenging time.
Oh dear jeg I did not realize you lost your mother. I am sorry for your loss and sorry to hear that your MIL is experiencing a health issue.
CathyKeshi Thank you dear friend...and I know Carlos is still "alive" in every memory and every piece he lovingly crafted. I'm happy you have some of his unique pieces :)
Thank you for all your kind thoughts everyone. It’s difficult to watch parents age and become dependent. :( Fortunately it is a big family with lots of support.

Mixed strand from our recent Kojima visit, worn with keshi dangles I made to hang from the Kamoka studs.
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Just lovely Jeg! And the earrings are just PERFECT for the that contrast between the dark keshi and the rich golden color. I love how the strand flows...looks like a very casual and fun piece to wear :D
Beautiful combinations as always Jeg! Sending many well wishes your way!!!

Lovely glowing pearls LisaC! It’s so beautiful when the pearls are shining a mile away...

Thank you again for the compliments on our terrace, here is another view, an explosion of bouganville...For the next month we’ll have fuchsia flowers everywhere...I find it so romantic:-) BF does the sweeping :-))))
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Love bougainvillea and their intense colors...hate to sweep the leaves (my daily chore) :1zhelp:
Beautiful pearls jeg. The colors are lovely
@eolianpearls, that bougainvilla is divine. How stunning is that and that view.
JEG: Please accept my sympathy on the death of your mom. I know what that feels like.
I am very sorry to hear about the losses of loved ones. It is heartwarming to read the lovely tributes and the continued connections.
It is a very baroque day here with my silver baroque strand and green keshi studs, all from Kamoka.


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MoonDrops, what lovely Kamokas! Those are made for sunshine :) Jeg, LOVE the new necklace, and how perfect are those earrings??? Also, if anyone wants a break from sweeping up all those awful, messy flower petals ... Walter and I are available as petal sweepers to give you a break! Well, okay I admit, Walter would probably sweep while I played with pearls lol ... but I can cook ...
86C, eolian, Cathy, Charlotta, jeg, moondrops, Bweaves thank you for your sweet comments, and the more important Joy you guys bring here with photos, and stories and loving kindness.

i must say, we’re seeing some really gorgeous stuff! Moon drops, what a score with the kamoka necklace...
thank you all for the pleasure.