Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Hahaha. Love them.

They also look like the Truck Nuts. Do NOT google that at work.

I think I prefer them called Mammogram Pearls, too!!!
Hahahaaa! That's exactly what I thought when I saw them ("truck junk"), and "mammo pearls" sounds much more civilized. ;)
PD How funny!!! May need to borrow those in a few months. lol

Jeg, that's a beautifully creative way to wear pearls! It looks great! Is there some online tutorial on how to do this?
Jeg - your pearls never cease to amaze! Your sense of pearls and fashion are beyond the pale. Please keep it coming. You and baby nurse are my Pearl Godesses!!!!
No one noticed the mammogram pearls? Really? Are people blind? They're fantastic.

Jeg, I LOVE the rope entwined with the scarf, what a fabulous idea. It looks just lovely.
It's 99F today and feels like 107F, so no pearls. I'm afraid I'll sweat sunscreen all over them. But I did wear some over the weekend.

Mom's mabe' pearls.



Mom always wore the enhancer on a pearl choker, but it's too hot for that, so I put it on my white and yellow gold Judy Jetson necklaces.


And my Sea of Cortez ring.

Love the Pearls entwined in the scarf!!! What a great look!!! And the keshi with the off set Tahitian is beautiful. Looks like a Hawaiian Lei!!
BW, those mabes look wonderful on you & I LOVE the pendant on your Judy Jetson necklaces!! Looks very cool! And your SOC ring...just magnificent!!
Thank you so much for the nice compliments, Pattye, CricketBug, amti, Charlotta, BWeaves, jesskat, Bcm21mk, BrittM and 86C!!

Amti, there isn’t a tutorial, I just made it up while playing with a scarf. I can show you what I did the next time I see you! I did, however, get the idea of wrapping pearls around a scarf from an old photo of Christine LaGarde. Attaching it for reference-
BWeaves, that is about my favorite ring ever! That one, and the SOC mabe that belongs to Red. You are a dedicated pearl lover to wear them in such heat. I can only manage the traveling pearl in weather like that.